10 to 1 push bet

zengrifter said:
So no one can produce the strike count with the bad rules? zg
It depends. What count are you using, H17 or S17, and how much are you willing to deviate from proper strategy. Not even stand on A6 vs. 7. A7 vs. A and 99 vs. 8?

The Chaperone

Well-Known Member
To maximize your odds of pushing you have to play like a S17 dealer. The only exception I think is splitting hands. Some splits are very good for the Tie bet (7,7 vs. 7). Others aren't (4,4 vs. 5).


zengrifter said:
So no one can produce the strike count with the bad rules? zg
I gave two strike conditions for HILO in post #7 along with the link to the graph it was based on. The only bad rule for this side bet I can see is H17. I am guessing moving the positive strike point by +1 to become +5 would be more than adequate to assure you are not betting until you have an advantage. I don't think it would affect the tie rate by that much.