Naw, not even! zgSonny said:But the 1st base player still experiences lag on his second card. Only his first card is more accurate than the other player’s. ...
Naw, not even! zgSonny said:But the 1st base player still experiences lag on his second card. Only his first card is more accurate than the other player’s. ...
agreedpeaegg said:Let me ask this question, after you see a TC reaching 6, how often do you see the count goes higher vs goes lower? Chances are the count will go down near the end of the shoe. So the first base player will get cards more like what the player predicated when he lays down the bet, no matter the first card or the second card.
yes, but lets say there are 2 players at the table, player 1 will get cards 1 and 3, and player 2 will get cards 2 and 4.. surely you cant tell me those are equal..Sonny said:According to the True Count Theorem, the TC should stay about the same. Only the RC should be expected to decrease slightly.
http://www.bjmath.com/bjmath/counting/tcproof.htm (Archive copy)
Even though you know the tens and aces are coming, you have no idea when or where they will show up. They will land on first base and third base with equal probability. Everyone at the table has the same chances of getting those cards. And, as Rhino pointed out, you only get 1 card first. Your second card comes after everyone else has taken a card, so by your logic wouldn’t there be more of a chance that everybody gets one high card then a low card?
exactlyFLASH1296 said:With all due respect, and without reading the cited text, I beg to differ.
The True count MUST always demonstrate the tendency of 'regressing toward the mean', which, in a balanced count, is ZERO. This tendency is present, but weak, at modest True Counts like +1, +2, -1, -2; but become progressively more powerful at BIG counts like +6, +10, -5, -12, etc. indeed, the tendency is directly proportional to the inbalance that creates the True Counts. To put this more succinctly, it is factual that the tendency for a true count to move toward zero is ever-present and is exaggerated at LARGE plus or minus counts.
Look at it this way, if you are playing one deck (for simplicity) and the true count is, let us say, Hi-Lo +6, it means that there is a relative abundance of HIGH cards and a relative scarcity of LOW cards. Now, with each hand dealt, the chances of low cards being depleted is less than normal because they are scarce. Ergo, the positive count will tend to drop. At very high counts it is not so unusual for the entire table, dealer included, to be dealt a 20, bringing the True Count back to ZERO or MINUS in a twinkling. Having a full table receive few (or no) high cards at a very high True Count and further raising the True Count (when it is already very high) is a relatively unlikely event when compared with the count dropping.
how can the true count stay the same if at the end of the deck the TC will be zero?Sonny said:The running count will tend to regress while the true count will tend to stay the same. Every time you remove a card the RC will tend to approach the mean, but since you now have fewer cards left the TC will tend to be the same as it was. The article describes this in more detail.
i think the confusion is if we are talking about the amount of the advantage, or if there is an advantage at all.. im pretty sure we are talking about the latter.. the point is, first base will get card 1 before anybody else, and card 2 before anybody else, thus you could say that he gets his hand before anybody else..Sonny said:But the 1st base player still experiences lag on his second card. Only his first card is more accurate than the other player’s. And since the expectation is the same for either hand the results should average out to be about the same. Remember that the EV is only the expected value (the average advantage). In that sense the player at 1st base is just as likely to be incorrect with his TC as any other player at the table because of normal variance. Both players are making a bet based on the same probability density function, not the actual order of the cards.
I can’t imagine that getting one card sooner than someone else (by only 4-5 cards) would give a significant advantage, but I’ve been wrong about much simpler things than this before.![]()
i think 3rd base has the advantage.peaegg said:I read about the advantages sitting at the third base. It allows you to see more cards before making a playing decision. But I wonder if it was tested by a simulation. Since switched from Hi-lo to Zen, I found the count changes quite dramatically. For example, it could be RC +20 to a negative number just in a round, if most of the seven hands getting 20s. My observations made me think if the first base has some advantages in betting spread, since first base's cards should be more correlated to the count before the round is dealt. Have you seen tens and aces were given to the first couples seats when you put a max bet but only getting a soft hand at the third base? If AP's most advantages should come from the bet spread, not from knowing the playing index, I thought 1st base could have a higher advantage. Any thoughts on that?
Peaegg (I am new here. the handle means "naughty boy" in another language)
peaegg said:I read about the advantages sitting at the third base. It allows you to see more cards before making a playing decision. But I wonder if it was tested by a simulation. Since switched from Hi-lo to Zen, I found the count changes quite dramatically. For example, it could be RC +20 to a negative number just in a round, if most of the seven hands getting 20s. My observations made me think if the first base has some advantages in betting spread, since first base's cards should be more correlated to the count before the round is dealt. Have you seen tens and aces were given to the first couples seats when you put a max bet but only getting a soft hand at the third base? If AP's most advantages should come from the bet spread, not from knowing the playing index, I thought 1st base could have a higher advantage. Any thoughts on that?
Peaegg (I am new here. the handle means "naughty boy" in another language)
yeah that would be rare though.rollem411 said:I think first base has the advantage if any at all. I read a thread about the cards being played gives 1st base an advantage if they aren't shuffled. For example, you play a shoe and then don't shuffle and deal them out again...statistically the 1st base spot will have the greatest advantage. Of course this would never happen, but if you get a dealer who doesn't give a good shuffle, would there be an advantage still if some of the cards are dealt in the same sequence?
Is PURE that place on Harmon?mdlbj said:Wow what a great two days in Vegas. Tables were very forgiving and we had a blast at PURE. You all should really get your game on so you can get there and play for meaningful stakes..
Had a ball.
No, there is no appreciable difference between 1st and 3rd. zgrdorange said:It would appear both sides/opinions are correct.
How about third base with an extra spot to the right? Ability to grab or not grab tens as the case may be?zengrifter said:No, there is no appreciable difference between 1st and 3rd. zg
It may be true that some players don't count the hit cards of other players into their count before they play their hand, but I bet most people do. And, those cards that are seen when a player gets a BJ or busts I would guess have to be counted before you play your hand as those cards go to the discard tray.rdorange said:Some players don't use the current cards. They are waiting for the end of the round to total up and convert the data for the start of the next round.
The gordon count has a PE of .93 which sidecounts 6,7,8,9s(neutral) all Individually and compares the shortage or excess of these cards to each other for a caculation, before making a decisionFLASH1296Incidentally said:Hi-Opt I [/B]was originally designed to be played with the neutral cards -- (deuces, sevens, eights, and nines) all being side-counted - - which gave it a B.C. of .99 and an extremely high P.E. of, what? I cannot recall. 73% + Of course, this is beyond our humble abilities.
. Not all of us!FLASH1296; said:We have simply lost perspective in looking at this subject
I actually started to take notice in this a few years ago. Playing at my kitchen table I would sometimes play up to four hands(ghost) vs the dealer, for months on end. After reaching my set milestone I would revert back to playing heads up against the dealer.peaegg said:I read about the advantages sitting at the third base. It allows you to see more cards before making a playing decision. But I wonder if it was tested by a simulation. Since switched from Hi-lo to Zen, I found the count changes quite dramatically. For example, it could be RC +20 to a negative number just in a round, if most of the seven hands getting 20s. My observations made me think if the first base has some advantages in betting spread, since first base's cards should be more correlated to the count before the round is dealt. Have you seen tens and aces were given to the first couples seats when you put a max bet but only getting a soft hand at the third base? If AP's most advantages should come from the bet spread, not from knowing the playing index, I thought 1st base could have a higher advantage. Any thoughts on that?
Peaegg (I am new here. the handle means "naughty boy" in another language)
2 decks 1.5 1deck
Head to head 9/12 7/10 5/8
2 players 8/11
3players 7 /10 6/9
4players 7/10 4/6
5players 6/9
6players 6/9
7player *5/8 4/6 2/3