2 diffrent MIT training schools?

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Well-Known Member

I can understand newbies (I am referring to new players/posters, not just this one particular poster by the same name) lack of blackjack knowledge. They sometimes annoy us with the same questions over and over. I think as a group, we try to be tolerant. I know I always try to remember that it wasn't long ago that I was right there, and I still have a lot to learn.

What I don't understand is this brazen attitude so many recently have had. Rude, obnoxious behavior, often insulting the very people they are seeking help and advice from. :confused:


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Is it so many of them or just one person over and over?
I've often wondered this myself, shad. If the posts originated from the same IP address, I assume the moderators would know such. Maybe it's a clone of one bad egg. Or more likely a reflection of youth today?? Makes me glad I'm heading towards middle age. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
kewljason said:
Maybe it's a clone of one bad egg. Or more likely a reflection of youth today?? Makes me glad I'm heading towards middle age. :rolleyes:
or a good argument for birth control?


Well-Known Member
kewljason said:
I can understand newbies (I am referring to new players/posters, not just this one particular poster by the same name) lack of blackjack knowledge. They sometimes annoy us with the same questions over and over. I think as a group, we try to be tolerant. I know I always try to remember that it wasn't long ago that I was right there, and I still have a lot to learn.

What I don't understand is this brazen attitude so many recently have had. Rude, obnoxious behavior, often insulting the very people they are seeking help and advice from. :confused:
Posting on the Web is kind of like being in a car. When you are in a car, you are isolated from your environs. You are sealed in 4,000 pounds of steel, plastic and glass with your own conditioned air, music and accoutrements. This is why so many people have no problem with screaming (leaning on their horns) because traffic is slow as if it is the fault of the person in front of them instead of a simple queuing problem. Now, if they weren’t surrounded in their cocoon, would they act in that manner? If you are standing in a line at the grocery store, would you scream at the top of your lungs (honk your horn) at the person in front of you?

The Web is a social phenom, and to an extent a social substitute. But, it is social in an isolated manner. When you are not standing face to face with a person, it is much easier to forget whatever social graces you may have learned. Just as seemingly polite people may lean on their horns to no avail and wake up babies a half-mile away.
kewljason said:
I've often wondered this myself, shad. If the posts originated from the same IP address, I assume the moderators would know such. Maybe it's a clone of one bad egg. Or more likely a reflection of youth today?? Makes me glad I'm heading towards middle age. :rolleyes:
It's an internet thing. But isn't it a bit pecksniffian to chide or censor people over offensive language on a blackjack forum? As blackjack players we are exposed to every variant of foul language in person. It would be a total lie for anyone to say that reading a word horrifies them, when we hear and are even called those words all the time.

One thing that really gets me mad in a casino is being told by the employees not to curse. What the **** are they talking about, they are dealers in every type of vice, merrily destroying the lives of addicts, but my use of Anglo-Saxon monosyllables breaks the bank? My foulest language is more honorable than what they do every day.


Well-Known Member
It's not the lanuage it's the content. Civilised individuals simply don't go around referring to anyone as a "Muslim terrorist". It's inappropriate on a lot of levels and is a highly charged political topic at the best of times.
Opinion is one thing - as i've stated before, i feel that your freedom of speech only extends as far as the damage you can cause to others - but newbie's posts weren't even opinion, they were simply choosing the most contriversial statement to make specifically targeted at the fact that the person in question didn't express themselves in an american accent. Racism isn't acceptable at any time, but i suspect you know all this already and are deliberately ignoring the issue........

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RJT said:
It's not the lanuage it's the content. Civilised individuals simply don't go around referring to anyone as a "Muslim terrorist". It's inappropriate on a lot of levels and is a highly charged political topic at the best of times.
Opinion is one thing - as i've stated before, i feel that your freedom of speech only extends as far as the damage you can cause to others - but newbie's posts weren't even opinion, they were simply choosing the most contriversial statement to make specifically targeted at the fact that the person in question didn't express themselves in an american accent. Racism isn't acceptable at any time, but i suspect you know all this already and are deliberately ignoring the issue........

"Muslim terrorist" isn't a race, and at least in the US there are people we refer to as that all the time. Osama bin Laden, for example. It refers to specific behavior with a specific motivation, and only a coward would be afraid to call it what it is.

Beyond that, are you going to quail and do Munch's Scream if you are playing in a casino and someone calls another "Muslim terrorist?" None of that stuff is supposed to get a reaction out of us. I agree that the term was not used appropriately or creatively in this context, but maybe this is a good opportunity to practice our stoicism in the face of outrageous and desperate behavior, no?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't expect someone with no manners to appreciate it, and it seems to be borne out by the last few posts. I've never been lectured by any casino employee about my language, and barring someone dropping a steaming hot coffee on me, I'm sure I never will. I'd imagine 95% of this board is in the same boat.
Perhaps the real question isn't why newbie was banned for three days, but why AM is not ?


Well-Known Member
"Muslim terrorist" isn't a race, and at least in the US there are people we refer to as that all the time. Osama bin Laden, for example.

Every time I hear a Cat Stevens song (too often these days with the TV commercial going on), I refer to him as a Muslim terrorist.
shadroch said:
I wouldn't expect someone with no manners to appreciate it, and it seems to be borne out by the last few posts. I've never been lectured by any casino employee about my language, and barring someone dropping a steaming hot coffee on me, I'm sure I never will. I'd imagine 95% of this board is in the same boat.
Perhaps the real question isn't why newbie was banned for three days, but why AM is not ?
Hey that's cool, man. You don't cuss. Now I know where I've seen you before!



Well-Known Member
21forme said:
"Muslim terrorist" isn't a race, and at least in the US there are people we refer to as that all the time. Osama bin Laden, for example.

Every time I hear a Cat Stevens song (too often these days with the TV commercial going on), I refer to him as a Muslim terrorist.
Then you are very misinformed. You might want to do some investigating. What you think you know is , simply, wrong.
Even something as simple as a reading of his biography on Wiki will show you that.
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Well-Known Member
AM you are completely right in a completely semantic fashion.
"Muslim terrorist" isn't a race. Terrorist can be used to refer to anyone of any culture that resorts to the extreem of violence to make their point. However Muslim is so frequently tacked onto the front of terrorist these days that it's practically a catogory of its own. There are terrorist of ever other religious denomination and then there are Muslim terrorist.
You could also easily infer that since that a large part of the Muslim world - and specifically the leaders of the terrorist Muslim organisations that are so discussed - tend to opporate and live in the middle east that this is also a geographical and hence racist issue.
But again you knew that already and i'm just giving you what you want, letting you be center stage of another pointless argument where you dance round the issues.



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Time to lock

Okay i think this thread is getting to a point where locking is the optimum strategy, by all means lets try again in Anything else or ZZone
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