2 strategy laik 1


Well-Known Member
what is gonna be results
2 players
1 .use 2345 +1 T -1
2. use 234 +1 678-1
if first bet 2 units count +3
if second bet 4 units count +4
2 players play like 1 players


Well-Known Member
Kolan is not a troll. He's just not very strong with the English language. On the rare times that his posts are understandable he actually makes some very good points.

Hopefully, he can find someone who speaks English & have him re-write this.
I know what he's talking about. A differential count, where you use each count for some plays/bets, and the sum and the difference of the two counts for other plays.

It has value, but like most play variations probably just not that much.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
I know what he's talking about. A differential count, where you use each count for some plays/bets, and the sum and the difference of the two counts for other plays.

It has value, but like most play variations probably just not that much.
12vs 2
zen count +6
it i mine less 23456 them T
in 2 count strategy
same card
1 players +6 it is mine less 2345
2 player +8 it is mine more 678
1-2 players need hit


Well-Known Member
blazin22 said:
Trolling is so 2005.
yes i see on yours photo not brain but ice .
maybe do you need to make scan again
because i think now is just water .


Well-Known Member
Sucker said:
Kolan is not a troll.
Of course not. Just because someone tells people to stop counting and use his progression system doesnt mean hes a troll. But you have to leave the table after 5 losses in a row and use a no bust basic strategy. His system even works for roulette too. *sigh*


Well-Known Member
Nazgul said:
Of course not. Just because someone tells people to stop counting and use his progression system doesnt mean hes a troll. But you have to leave the table after 5 losses in a row and use a no bust basic strategy. His system even works for roulette too. *sigh*
people need start think
because standard counting strategy
show not very good results
if all players think together
they can find some thing


Well-Known Member
KOLAN said:
yes i see on yours photo not brain but ice .
maybe do you need to make scan again
because i think now is just water .
KOLAN RULZ! :laugh::laugh::laugh: