They are extremely strict. In CT you will be carded, if you are found on the casino floor under 21 you will be ejected and if they suspect you have drunk any alcohol you wil be arrested. On-duty state troopers are at those casinos at all times. They are not obliged to pay you your winnings if you have gamed illegally. In AC the casinos are essentially an organ of state government and you may very well be leaving in handcuffs if you wager underaged. Please don't screw with it; advise spend the next year or so saving up BR, studying, and playing online a little (using the bonus hustling advice here and on the blackjackforumonline site) until you are able to walk into a decent BJ game without worrying about going to jail.andrew999 said:being just 19, almost 20, how strict are Atlantic City casinos and Connecticut casinos about the age rule?
hey man. im almost 19 and have played in both atlantic city and conecticut. i look older then i am i guess cause i didnt get carded or anything. in atlantic city i played in a tournament also. in conecticut i played at foxwoods. unless you look really young just walk in like youve its normal for you to be in a casino dont do anythen stupid and youll be fine.andrew999 said:being just 19, almost 20, how strict are Atlantic City casinos and Connecticut casinos about the age rule?
Right now I can only play in NY, but that is a far trip for me.