3 Cards Equal 11...


Hi Smitty,

Shadrock is right read books or buy them since you seem to be persistent. BlackJack players are fighters in their spirit, they don't give up easily at the same time they are discipline and business minded since we are talking about money here.

look for the books that teaches basic Blackjack and don't be afraid to spend $50 or more for the books since this will save you thousands of dollars [HOPEFULLY]. Then for practice download the demo version of CVBJ compliment by QFIT at QFIT.com . Have fun playing with the software and take your time to read all the posts in this forum since players all over the world share their ups and down in this forum in this way you will have the feel if you still want to continue.

Don't rush take your time maybe after 1.5 year of practicing and studying you will be ready to step into the battle at the BJ table.

Before I forget the BlackJAck skill has a Twin brother and this is proper BANKROLL ( money ) if you don't have the right bankroll your practice and skills you learned in my opinion are useless so make sure that before you step into the world of BJ that you will have this tools available.


Well-Known Member
Goma said:
Hi Smitty,

Don't rush take your time maybe after 1.5 year of practicing and studying you will be ready to step into the battle at the BJ table.
I can appreciate your emphasis on not rushing and thoroughly learning both basic strategy and how to count before playing, but a year and a half is a bit ridiculous. If you can devote as little as an hour a day, it should take a week or two at most to learn basic strategy and another month or so to learn and practice a count like hi-lo of KO. Conservatively, lets say a couple months. This isn't brain surgury here. :) Part of the learning process is actual play in a casino. When ready, you find a low limit table with a slow dealer, because practice at your kitchen table or with simulation software can't duplicate actual casino play.

Billy C1

Well-Known Member
Other advice

The "other" advice was the title of my last post (play slots). You will get candid answers from me and most others here to your questions. Slots require no thinking or decision making so if you must gamble they are your best option until you take the advice of the other posters and get yourself ready for BJ.
Best of luck to you!

Billy C1


kewljason said:
I can appreciate your emphasis on not rushing and thoroughly learning both basic strategy and how to count before playing, but a year and a half is a bit ridiculous. If you can devote as little as an hour a day, it should take a week or two at most to learn basic strategy and another month or so to learn and practice a count like hi-lo of KO. Conservatively, lets say a couple months. This isn't brain surgury here. :) Part of the learning process is actual play in a casino. When ready, you find a low limit table with a slow dealer, because practice at your kitchen table or with simulation software can't duplicate actual casino play.
I agree with you KEWLJASON. I over exagerated.


Well-Known Member
3 Cards Equal 11

smitty said:
So, you sound like you must be the World Blackjack Champion? Well, propbaly not. You wouldn't be here. If these questions bother you, don't be absurd and answer it. Let the conversation flow with the nice ones like KEN who graciously answered.
I think you might be wrong. The players on this forum are very, very knowledgeable, among the best in the world from what I have read on here and other sites. No kidding.

The member named QFIT, who has the best blackjack software available anywhere at any price, is a frequent poster on this board. Even Arnold Snyder has been on here. Many posters on here can fill your head with all the math of the game.

Ploppies like you and me (at one time) should be very grateful that these players are willing to share about the game. They don't have to. You would do yourself a lot of good to listen to the advice given.

Study blackjack for a month. Then come back and review your original question and you tell us if that question seemed a little ridiculous now that you have had a month's worth of blackjack study. Things like your question are step one of learning, like A,B,C is to the alphabet.

Your 11 vs. dealer's 3=always hit, double if you can.


Well-Known Member
smitty said:
So, you sound like you must be the World Blackjack Champion? Well, propbaly not. You wouldn't be here. If these questions bother you, don't be absurd and answer it. Let the conversation flow with the nice ones like KEN who graciously answered.
You go Smitty.

Ask whatever you want and ignore any attitude of those here who may deem it a really stupid question and give you some kind of superior attitude simply because it actually may be one of the few questions they actually know the answer too.

Feel free to PM me with any other questions you may have if you want but perhaps don't feel like walking thru the gauntlet here. I will answer them all with no attitude whatsoever.

I'm not so old that I don't forget for one second that in 1996, playing BJ for the first time, I had to be asked like 3 times in 40 minutes by the kind dealer "Sir, are you sure you want to hit that (soft) 21?" lmao. Quickest $200 bucks I ever lost I think lmao.

I've asked more "stupid" questions of others than anyone here will ever know.

Others here may appreciate, far better than maybe you can as a new poster, the irony here in the attitude I am expressing here as I am apparently known for giving attitude lol.

But not to you.

I am 100% on your side here.


Well-Known Member
That is the weirdest blackjack question I have ever heard! The question what do you do with a 3 card 11 vs a 3 is a no brainer!
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Well-Known Member
Knowledge is power


I have been learning and practicing AP about 6 months now and getting close to venture out in the "real casino world" I have a mentor to learn by and let me tell you~There is a lot to learn; i.e., single and multi-decks, DHS17 or DSS17, Double after split and No Double after split, Surrender, etc. There are numerous index numbers to memorize and loads of information to absorb. My intake on this is...preparation and practice, practice and more practice. The casinos will always be there and there is always tomorrow to go and play.

Oh, also you need a substantial bankroll!

Good luck