3 or more card soft 18?


Well-Known Member
If, for example, I had A,6,A and the dealer was showing a 9, 10 or Ace I'd go again - particularly in a +count. After all, if you had A,7 you'd hit - on the basis the dealer is more likely to pull a ten than any other value card. Stand if the dealer has anything less than a 9.
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Well-Known Member
I just couldn't remember if with a 3 or more card soft 18 you stand or hit with a dealer upcard of 10. Thank you all.:joker:

newb99 said:
If, for example, I had A,6,A and the dealer was showing a 9, 10 or Ace I'd go again - particularly in a +count. After all, if you had A,7 you'd hit - on the basis the dealer is more likely to pull a ten than any other value card. Stand if the dealer has anything less than a 9.
You almost always hit soft 18 vs a dealer 9 or more, at all counts.

The only exception is in an S17 game vs a dealer Ace, where you stand at counts of approximately +1 or greater, depending on the system (but they're all right around 0 to +1).

Count Backula


re: 3 card 18

Hitorstand.net always wants the player to hit the three card 18 against 3-6. It has taken me some additional reflection, reading plus bjinfo message boards to see the light! Maybe someone out there can update hitorstand?


Well-Known Member
prankster said:
I just couldn't remember if with a 3 or more card soft 18 you stand or hit with a dealer upcard of 10. Thank you all.:joker:
That's all spelled out with words and a picture on pg 58 of Bluebook II.