4 Deck games


Well-Known Member
Searchlight,a little hole in the wall speed trap on the road from Vegas to Laughlin has a table.But its only open from the afternoon on a few days a week.
jimmtech said:
Are there any 4 deck (non-csm) games still out there anywhere?
I've checked almost every 4D game in the US for "what you are looking for." As of about 2 years ago, it wasn't there. You may need to try a different approach.


Well-Known Member
I have never ever seen a 4 deck game in IL, IN, MO, MS or NJ ! Older BJ books reference them as common.

6D appears to be vanishing from the areas I frequent, in favor of 8D.

Looking at BJA3 page 23 - time to double bankroll 8D is pretty discouraging - (even at TC1 and higher) - my gosh if there are still 4 decks being played I'd like to visit there!


Well-Known Member
There are a few 4D games in Eastern Washington, and I ran into a few in Nevada last summer, in areas which have really small casinos and are not known for attracting a bunch of tourists (places like Winemucca, Hawthorne, or a couple small locals casinos on the outskirts of Las Vegas). They're definitely the exception rather than the norm.

Ms. Dalton

Active Member

If memory serves me correctly, there are/or were a few decent 4 deck games to be found in Arizona. I wanna say it was stand on soft 17 too. But low table max.


Well-Known Member
Treasure Island in Red Wing Minnesota has 4D tables that are 10-195, H17, DAS, DA2, Split Aces up to 4 hands. They also have a 2D table with the same rules. The 4D tables have about 80% Pen. The 2D looks to be just slightly more than 50%.


Well-Known Member
No DD for me!

Most of the casinos I frequent don't have DD for less than $25 min, which is too rich for me...


New Member
Can anyone tell us any more about the advantages of 4d games?

I may have access to a few :)


Well-Known Member
RC1 said:
Can anyone tell us any more about the advantages of 4d games?

I may have access to a few :)
1) You're bucking a lower house edge than a 6D/8D game.
2) You'll encounter high counts and have the advantage more often than a 6D/8D game.
3) You (usually) won't get as much heat as a 1D/2D game.