4D Betting Q&A


Hi Zengrifter,

I wouldn't bother you in a private message but I've posted this message a while back and nobody replied; at times people on this news group seem more interested in discussing betting progressions than actual counting. Anyway, I was wondering if you could calculate the ideal betting scheme for conditions in which I play.

I currently use the hi-lo count with indices, though in the next 6 months or so I hope to learn the Zen count.

The game is: 4 decks, hit soft 17, double any 2 cards, DAS, US hole card rules, 75% penetration.

First game offers the rules above with a betting range of $5-50 and also offers early surrender but not against a dealer's ace.

The second game is again same rules as above but with a betting range of $10-100 and offers no surrender.

There isn't any worries regarding heat so an aggressive betting scheme would be ideal.

I greatly appreciate any help you can offer!

Thanks, XXXX
This is a pretty good game by today's standards, assuming your 75% penetration assesment is correct.

Betting is based on TC (RC=TC@1D)

Min BR recommended = 700 units

below -1 exit
(if you can stay close and jump back in great, or play every 3rd hand, etc.)
0 bet 1 unit
+1 bet 2
+2 bet 3
+3 bet 3+3
+4 bet 5+5
+5 bet 6+6

The above is approximate - in order to fine tune a betting strategy you must detirmine your risk assesment - an easy way to do it is with BJ Risk Mgr software. zg


Well-Known Member
This is probably a stupid question but in your assessment what do you define as one betting unit? If the game is $5-50 is it $5 and if its $10-100 is it $10?


E-town-guy said:
This is probably a stupid question but in your assessment what do you define as one betting unit? If the game is $5-50 is it $5 and if its $10-100 is it $10?
Its 1/700th of your BR - thats not a hard and fast rule, it could be 1/400th ($2000 or $4000 respectively) but then your risk-of-ruin would be up in the 20%+ range. So if you got $3500 to call "bank" its a $5u and with $7000 its a $10u. As the bank grows from there the #units should increase to decrease the flux-risk (ie $25u should require a $25k bank and thus the occaisional violent down swings will be less severe as a percentage of bank). zg
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