$5 bonus on blackjacks *LINK*


PLAYER'S EDGE: Terrible's celebrates anniversary:

To celebrate its fifth anniversary on Tuesday, Terrible's is offering several one-day only promotions including ... a $5 bonus on all blackjacks.

This looks like a legitimate big-time AP for one day. If you're in town tomorrow, go for it!



Not "big time", maybe small time.

Can someone tell me the added EV for 2D and 6D assuming average bets of $10, $15, $20, etc. zg

stainless steel rat

Well-Known Member
simple answer

Since you get a snapper about once every 21 hands, at 100 hands per hour, this ought to add $25 to your hourly EV. Since this will probably be a shoe game at a full table, figure maybe 1/2 that or whatever is the normal rate for 6-7 players (I don't play full table shoe games at all so I am not sure about the speed).

For a $20 per hour EV, this would be a significant boost. For a purple-chip unit, it would be loose change at best. :)

stainless steel rat

Well-Known Member
If I were there

I'd camp out. I primarily play $5-$40 or $50 DD games, or $10-$40 SD games, so it would certainly be interesting for me. Even on the occasions where I play $25 min tables, another $25 per hour would get my attention...

But I have never personally played such a promo unfortunately. Played quite a few matchplay type opportunities, and the coupon promos where your first snapper pays 2:1, etc. But nothing quite like this. Maybe I'll get a chance one day...

stainless steel rat

Well-Known Member

I've played in Vegas a fair number of times, but never been to "Terrible's"? Is this at one specific location? (since I noticed when I was there that several casinos had the name "Terrible's" on the front if my memory is correct. For example, I think I saw one on the way to Hoover Dam, heading up to the Grand Canyon South Rim...)