6-deck shoe strategy (?)


New Member
I'm a completely un-educated BJ'er. If all I ever plan on playing is 6 deck shoes, what would be the best counting method to learn? Don't want to start any wars....legitimate question. THANKS


Well-Known Member
D0nnieD0minos said:
Agree.... Just make sure once you've learned a system cold that you're getting good pen on those 6D games. My sense is many beginning counters do not focus enough on pen.
Agree...pen is so important. More than most any rules etc that newbies focus on.


Well-Known Member
D0nnieD0minos said:
Agree.... Just make sure once you've learned a system cold that you're getting good pen on those 6D games. My sense is many beginning counters do not focus enough on pen.
And least crowded table possible. You need at least one sacrificial lamb to eat low cards. But excessive hands open is like cutting extra cards out of play
Raven said:
And least crowded table possible. You need at least one sacrificial lamb to eat low cards. But excessive hands open is like cutting extra cards out of play
This. It actually affects your ROR when there are 4 other players on the table besides you, aside hands per hours lost...


Well-Known Member
Okay... first get the table to yourself or no more than 2 other players so you can use 3 spots... Now lets start implementing some inverse hand spreading... we don't like negative counts, and I hate Fergusoning around the tables... so let's play 3 hands when the count is below a TC of +1... min bets ... now you have to have a proper bankroll if you have to buy each spot... min bet x 3 per spot (which sucks) ...

·Game: 6 deck
·Unit bet size: $5
·Count system: High-Low, playing three to one hands as the count increases
·Equivalent inverse hand spread:
·true count (TC) < 1: three hands of $5=$15 (3 hands of 1 unit)
·TC >= 1, TC < 2: three hands of $10=$30 (3 hands of 2 units)
·TC >= 2, TC < 3: two hands of $30=$60 (2 hands of 6 units)
·TC >= 3: one hand of $120 (1 hand of 24 units)

so you want to eat up the negative counts till you get more positive then place one bet of 24 units ... this is a great approach and sorta confuses the pit... so change it up... but stay true to your percentage bet in relation to the count formulas... you know .. variance :) Just some beginner stuff here so best of luck :p I use High Output II w/ Ace Side Count myself... not high-low. I tend to favor double deckers with 75% penetration or better!

Now with that being said, I decided to start playing strictly and ignore the clumping myths (that I believe in more my own reasons anyway)... you know... sorta a Covid 19 refresher ... put all the voodoo and bad memories out of my mind :). I'm 40% down after one month now of play .. and I've been playing some severely clumped shoes. Normally I would use my own clump card strategy and I did very well... I mean I would switch from counting to this strategy when called for... but this time, I just played it by the math and losing my ass!

I normally would play 2 strategies or walk... When I would revert to clump card strategy, I could tackle it until the cards washed themselves out and counting started to make sense again with what was falling on the table. Talk about pissing other players at the table off... I mean to point of some wanting to meet me outside for supposedly f'n up their hand... but I was the only one beating that game which was totally counterintuitive to what I would normally do!

We play one way and the house plays the other way... that's the way it's set up for chunked decks. u have to remember that... so if the cards are coming out in clumps... extreme Plus then Minus .. big waves... either get out of there or switch your strategy ( and be prepared for some unpleasant feedback from other people). I also eat clumps away... with min bets.. I'll hit until I have 18... so that means I'm hitting 17 (which is usually 3 or 4 cards already) ... card eating... better to get through this with min bets than to play single hands and sweat it out from my experience. You could also start a team when it comes to 6 & 8 Deck shoe games... add in some card sequencing techniques (tracking) if it's a hand shuffled game like @ Pechanga... bring in the big whale when the count is real juicy using some covert signaling :) like old Kenny Uston did with his buddies... gotta be careful though! Oh and watch out for neutral card clumps... chunks of 6,7,8s ... or 7,8,9s ... poor hand combinations ... A,2,3,4,9,10s creates a lot of stiffs, 9,2 A double downs and some dealer run on hits.... another one is 2,3,5,7,8s... just create poor hand combinations for the player strategy... or Aces clumped away from 10s.... mean less blackjacks.. .that's why some casinos pick up all the blackjacks first... you do this over time it perpetuates clumps of them together and you'll start seeing more dealer player blackjack pushes. Or you can get the someone in the pit juiced in for a percentage of the profits (like some crew at the Hard Rock in Hollywood, FL) talk shop at the table (full of APs only) who won't 86 you for jumping bets when the deck is about to deliver the goods... IF it does.. because clumping will subvert that :p
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