8 decks beatable?


does anyone know if the 8 deck game is realistically beatable? i live in australia where all the casino's use 8 decks. the house advantage at my local is about 0.55%, with about 80% penetration. Has anyone, or does anyone know of someone who has had good results for similar conditions and if so what is your/ their secret?



Well-Known Member
Card Counting!

nightfoxx said:
does anyone know if the 8 deck game is realistically beatable? i live in australia where all the casino's use 8 decks. the house advantage at my local is about 0.55%, with about 80% penetration. Has anyone, or does anyone know of someone who has had good results for similar conditions and if so what is your/ their secret?

Card Counting! With 80% penetration (which is pretty good), you should be able to make $$$....


Well-Known Member
The whole deal for counters is the penetration. If they deal out that many cards, you can beat it.


Man with 80% penetration you should be able to destoy those casinos. Penetration and bankroll are WAY more important than number of decks anyway.



well, using the frequency distribution for my conditions, and using the hi-lo system, that i found here (Dead link: http://www.bjstats.com//bjbc.asp) i did some calculations and with a $10-$100 bet spread, while leaving the table if the true count went below -1, i had an average bet of $16.50 and a win rate % of 0.63% which was 10 cents per hand. With 73.25 hands bet/100 so about 73.25 hands to the hour thats only $7.35 per hour which i could earn working in a supermarket. if i could someone double the hands played per hour then that would still only be $14.70 which is better but not great.

are my calculations flawed? if so help



Well-Known Member
Sadly I think that sounds about right from what I've read in other books under similar conditions i.e. hi-lo spread of about 10-100. The only way to increase your profit/hr is to increase your bankroll. Obviously if you played on a different table and had a spread of 100-1000 you'd make about 10x what you would with your 10-100 spread. Another way to increase your profit/hr is to use a more profitable counting system. One of the best is probably hi-optII with ace side count. I remember reading about the difference 'wage' a counter can expect to make and hi-optII offered some of the best profits. Though with a small bankroll of a couple 1000 the difference between the hi-optII and hi-lo isn't that great.