As many of you know, I have been playing A LOT of blackjack over the last 4 years, hoping that when I retire I could use blackjack to supplement my income for the "extras" that would make retirment a lot of fun. At this point, I think I must conclude that it is just not going to work for me. To be honest, VARIANCE is just too ugly for me. I just came home from a 4 day session... and got my a$$ kicked! I will not bore you with the all details of my sob story, but here are a few low lights:
Day 1) Played a nice 6 deck shoe game with pen. at 1 1/2 decks. Spread from $10 to $300. Lost big bet after big bet (for 5 hours). Total loss, just over 5k. I spent time that night evaluating my play... and there was nothing wrong with it. Just short term variance going against me.
Day 2) Undaunted and not worried about the short run, I continued the next day. Agian, loss after loss. Had the worst losing "streak" of my life. I lost 24 hands in a row, won a blackjack ($10 min bet), and then lost 19 in a row. Tried to stay patient and calm, but still got my butt kicked over 6 hours of play to the tune of 7K.
Day 3) Swithced to double deck game....about 70% pen. Count skyrocketed on the first deck with NO tens or aces coming out in the first 4 rounds. Was playing $25-$300. Lost my first 13 hands in a row. Count got real good quite often, and I lost every bet above $150. Every one for the entire day, and there were many (played 6 hours). Lost another 7k.
Day 4) Will the bad vairance end? No. Played double deck again. Got my butt kicked again. Intrestingly, on this day I played with a young lady who obviously did not know how to play. She made just about every bad move in the book. Doubled on 7 vs 10, doubled 14 vs A... I could go on and on. She could not lose. She would win 7 or 8 in a row, lose one, and then go on aother winning streak. She made 16k playing about as bad as you can play. I was really concentrating, making sure I did not make mistakes, and got my clock cleaned for 5 hours straight. Lost 6k.
I lost just over 25k for the 4 days. My count was solid and my index plays were correct. Varience showed her brutal, ugly behind to me....and there was absolutley nothing I could do about it. I still have another 25k in my BJ bankroll.... but I guess it's time to find a 2.5% cd and park it. The truth is, although unlikley, it is possible I could lose another 25k next week if I played again. For the very well financed with a LOT of time to commit, the bad variance could be worked through. But for me, with all the time I have spent, all the trips I have made, to lose half my bankroll in this manner is just to frustrating.
Kind Regards and best wishes to all!
Day 1) Played a nice 6 deck shoe game with pen. at 1 1/2 decks. Spread from $10 to $300. Lost big bet after big bet (for 5 hours). Total loss, just over 5k. I spent time that night evaluating my play... and there was nothing wrong with it. Just short term variance going against me.
Day 2) Undaunted and not worried about the short run, I continued the next day. Agian, loss after loss. Had the worst losing "streak" of my life. I lost 24 hands in a row, won a blackjack ($10 min bet), and then lost 19 in a row. Tried to stay patient and calm, but still got my butt kicked over 6 hours of play to the tune of 7K.
Day 3) Swithced to double deck game....about 70% pen. Count skyrocketed on the first deck with NO tens or aces coming out in the first 4 rounds. Was playing $25-$300. Lost my first 13 hands in a row. Count got real good quite often, and I lost every bet above $150. Every one for the entire day, and there were many (played 6 hours). Lost another 7k.
Day 4) Will the bad vairance end? No. Played double deck again. Got my butt kicked again. Intrestingly, on this day I played with a young lady who obviously did not know how to play. She made just about every bad move in the book. Doubled on 7 vs 10, doubled 14 vs A... I could go on and on. She could not lose. She would win 7 or 8 in a row, lose one, and then go on aother winning streak. She made 16k playing about as bad as you can play. I was really concentrating, making sure I did not make mistakes, and got my clock cleaned for 5 hours straight. Lost 6k.
I lost just over 25k for the 4 days. My count was solid and my index plays were correct. Varience showed her brutal, ugly behind to me....and there was absolutley nothing I could do about it. I still have another 25k in my BJ bankroll.... but I guess it's time to find a 2.5% cd and park it. The truth is, although unlikley, it is possible I could lose another 25k next week if I played again. For the very well financed with a LOT of time to commit, the bad variance could be worked through. But for me, with all the time I have spent, all the trips I have made, to lose half my bankroll in this manner is just to frustrating.
Kind Regards and best wishes to all!