A New Section - Blackjack Stories


Well-Known Member
I think it would be killer to have a "blackjack story" section on this forum. This way there would be a nice little collection of good and bad stories. It would be great for entertainment. Plus, I'm sure there would be lots of life lessons that would be written in a very readable way.

Gambling tales are some of the best out there!


Well-Known Member
Story time

The epic story of EasyRhino. It chronicles the the progress of a newbie counter to a skillful player to a guy who is sick and tired of grinding out the money in miserable little casinos that don't want him there. A very honest story that is familiar to us all. They say he was 12 feet tall and could tear a deck or cards in half with his bare hands.



FreeStyle said:
I think it would be killer to have a "blackjack story" section on this forum. This way there would be a nice little collection of good and bad stories. It would be great for entertainment. Plus, I'm sure there would be lots of life lessons that would be written in a very readable way.

Gambling tales are some of the best out there!
Let's do it!!



Active Member
Heres a story from a few years ago I found on another bj website. I found it to be pretty cool, but since meeting the guy in the story a while ago, I find it even better.

Old dog, new tricks


I have to share what is now my favorite casino story.

I have never been a big fan of so called advantage play. And as most on this board know I called out supposedly one of the better players of it in Bojack. He did message me that he couldn't make it to the casino I go to over the weekend, but if I could change it to a different day he'd be there. He also asked for a way to recognize me, and said he would approach me once he found me. Fair enough.
I get to the casino wednesday around at the agreed time of 10am. I go to a $10 table and buy in for $300 and start playing. At 11:00 still no Bojack and I lost $100 dollars already, I am not happy. About a half hour later this fella sits next to me and buys in for $500 in green. He's betting fairly heavy and playing rather stupidly and by 12:00 he's buying in for another $500. At this point his play has caused 2 people to leave the table, and the 1 remaining besides me is constantly getting on him. But Mr. green chipper just smiles and says sorry alot. He's a likeable enough guy and I really feel sorry for him for foolishly blowing his money away. Funny thing though, he's about halfway through his second buy in and he starts winning. In 1 shoe he gets all his money back plus a few hundred. The next shoe the same thing, except now the guy is up a few thousand. His good luck is even effecting us and we start playing his hunches because he's so lucky. At about 2:00 I realize there's no Bojack to be found, But instead of being mad at that chickens**t for not showing, I'm happy as hell because I'm up over $1000 for the day. At this point Mr. green chips colors in over 5 grand. I tell him he should go home now because luck like that doesn't come around much. He leaves and 5 minutes later a cocktail waitress brings me a coffee and a note she said one of my friends gave her. It says " I had a great time playing with you, hope you enjoyed the advantage. I wish you continued good luck. Bojack"

I'm still stunned, and I still can't explain it. I dont know the ryme or reason to his play, but I did see something unbelievable first hand. If what you were doing is some kind of advantage play, my hats off to you buddy you seem to be right about it. But I would really like an explanation for the strange way in which you play. Anyway I apologize for the coarse words in the past, and thank you for a great experience. 36 years playing this game, and this old dog might just rethink a few things about it.


Well-Known Member
Pro21 said:
This story smells of BS to me.

Bojack - care to comment?
Not really, but I will. Its a true story told by an older gentleman who was a bit skeptical about advantage play as well as myself. He was located in a place fairly close to where I was so I said I might meet him at the casino he plays at. I got there early the day he thought I might be there and I found him by his description and I watched him to see what he was about. I also had someone with me as I never do things like this alone. After watching him for a while I presumed he was a harmless ploppy and I sat down at his table. It was an exploitable shuffle so I gave it a go at tracking it and playing it out without the old man knowing it was me. By chance this session worked out well so I left the table and did exactly what the story states with leaving him a note. I didn't want to embarrass him or appear as a show off either. Truth be told I'm not even sure I would have identified myself at all had I lost the session. It would have just gave the old man more fodder for his attacks. But it turned out well and I made my exit, in the process making a believer of ap out of someone dead set against it. He never did actually try counting after that experience, but he did believe it was possible.

It really was not my intention to go out and prove myself, or my techniques. It was just a way to have some fun. Thats it. I really don't care if someone can't believe that there really are advantage players out there, and that I may be one of them. Its silly to me to try and prove things to others. I could not care less if someone believes me or not about what I do, its not why I do what I do. I am not against having a little harmless fun with some people once in a while though. There have been other times where I have contemplated meeting others from the internet, but after careful examination before making contact, I avoid meeting them as sometimes they really aren't what they say they are, or I just don't like what I see. I have met some great people and players from interacting on these message boards, as well as avoided some "experts" as well.


Well-Known Member
I remember that story well. By the way, Bojack- do you still keep in touch with your "protege" from that board that got into shuffle tracking trouble in Conn? I rarely see people turn into such pompous asses so quickly, then come begging for help the next week.


Well-Known Member
I remember reading this story probably about 3 years ago which from other posts by Bojack, lead me into contact with Bojack. He is someone that you can sit down with or on the phone and will talk your ear off from his experiences.

Always a pleasure.


Well-Known Member
As a neophyte counter it sometimes interrupted my count when the dealers announced hands, especially if the running count was in the very low double digits, right around what a lot of hand totals were. So I asked the dealers not to to announce the totals. All but one that day accomodated me, but one insisted he had to. So I asked the pit boss to instruct him not to.

The pit boss told him not to. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Wow, I've been spending so much time on this forum and just noticed this new section! Sweet and thanks!!