a question


Well-Known Member
Perhaps this should be in the math section but I have a question, maybe a silly one, but it's this: when playing in a game where doubling down is allowed after getting a third card one should still double a 3 card 11,10,9 (and 8 on an index play) according to basic strategy, correct? Most likely it's another low card out of the shoe. Or, one has received an ace and now has a soft hand to double, again according to basic strategy. (btw, I play Hi Lo with I18) I know most games that offer a 3 card dd don't pay 3/2 blackjack but the game I know of does. Thanx for any input.


Well-Known Member
You play the three (3) card double exactly the same as you do the two (2) card double.


If, as in Span21, there are bonuses for multi-card 21's and you can surrender
after doubling or redoubling on any number of cards then some peculiarities
of that complex game enter the situation.
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Well-Known Member
Incorrect statement

FLASH1296 said:
You play the three (3) card double exactly the same as you do the two (2) card double.

Not even close to optimal strategy..
If you are suppose to stand after double, You double way less than orignal blackjack..
If you can hit/double after double, then you double way more than orignal blackjack..

@Original Poster, If you need optimal strategy with index, PM me exact rules of the game with count?


Well-Known Member

No re-double was indicated; merely the ability to double a 3 card hand.

As there is no surrender after doubling, there is no change in Basic Strategy.

I would much appreciate your explaining why you imagine that I am mistaken.
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Well-Known Member
I apologize if my comment was harsh..

FLASH1296 said:

No re-double was indicated; merely the ability to double a 3 card hand.

As there is no surrender after doubling, there is no change in Basic Strategy.

I would much appreciate your explaining why you imagine that I am mistaken.
Just trying to add my 2 cents..

If you can double on 3-card, why would you double on 2-card(low-total hand) say A-2 Vs 5/6? You can simply hit..
If you end up with a stiff - you saved money(as stiff is -EV always).
If you end up being another soft hand, you can still double with better EV..
Same concept is applied on DD on 9's and 8's(if you play indices)..

I am sure you(or someone) can figure out the math, otherwise I'll post details with explaination.


Well-Known Member
Ahh. Well … You are correct on borderline situations when counting cards; but the O P stated the question re: Basic Strategy.

With Basic Strategy — under the rule change being discussed — I would not double A4 vs. 4 or A2 vs 5 in a shoe game or 9 vs. 2 or 8 vs. 6 in a DD game and perhaps a couple of others in a SD game.

Also, borderline pair splits (in a DAS game) gain some equity based upon the potential 3 card pair splits. e.g. 4-4 vs. 4 6-6 vs. 2 etc.

This slightly altered strategy is best viewed Risk Aversion.
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