A reply to MovieCasino$$$

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KenSmith said:
I'm sure you know that providing the entire list of every possible hand is infeasible and pointless here. That's what we have computers for. It's not a sim. It's a CA. Because it is accurate, it is incredibly lengthy.

You know all this. You intentionally choose to ignore facts to continue as a message board troll. Every other reputable blackjack site has barred you already. I suspect you will suffer the same fate here. We've been incredibly tolerant of you to date.
Do what you have to do to fool the dupes Ken Smith.When people see my Google replies, they will see that I fought here against overwhelming odds. Like the 300 Spartans against the Persians. This bjinfo group says this is madness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qR0Uke2XNI&feature=channel_page while we on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/Moviemakerjjcasino, Twitter (Dead link: http://twitter.com/moviejjcasino), and MySpace (Dead link: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=443522575) say" THIS IS SPARTA"

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Well-Known Member
The control, c and v buttons must be getting worn out on your computer JSTAT. Better get em replaced soon.

EDIT: After copying one of his exact replies he edited his post after I posted this. That is pretty funny man.
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Well-Known Member
Break into reality!

JSTAT, you should really go and see some kind of psycologist, seriously. If you would just listen to some people on this forum, I'm sure you could learn a thing or two like the rest of us already have.

I'll even make you a deal. If you told me indices and what you use your side counts for, I could even try to simulate your "Peoples Count". Im sure probably 10 other people would too. And yes, before you tell me that you already have done this, I know that you have simuated your own little subsets. Too bad in your whole lifetime you couldn't calculate every single one, let alone half. You've shown us about 3, sooo theres about 50 million left give or take a few million?:laugh:

I just googled JSTAT, and saw your myspace where you named yourself "KING" JSTAT- my mind is 100% made up, you are a nutcase living in a dream world where you are the be all and end all of BJ. I think there is a deeper issue here and you need to see a psycologist immediately.
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Well-Known Member
It's pretty apparent that JSTAT has no interest at all in learning, listening to reason, or being a successful player. There is nothing at all we or anyone can do to convince him that his claims are bogus. Whether it's delusion, ignorance, or malice, I don't know.

Frankly I'm not sure it's important to convince him. Just as long as people who may not know better aren't suckered into believing him. I hope anyone searching for JSTAT on Google finds threads like this, to counter the youtube/twitter nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Attn Ken: Can you rename this thread

Something along the lines of feeding the Troll would apeal to me.



Well-Known Member
Fade to black

It looks like another episode of the JSTAT show has come to a close. In the tradition of cheesy sitcoms I’d like to end the show with some closing credits.

Special thanks to:

itakeyourmoney for starting a new thread so that this didn’t ruin Kolan’s thread.
k_c for his combinatorial analysis.
Ken Smith for confirming the numbers.
daddybo, johndoe and every one else for trying to inject some common sense into the discussion.
And the star of our show, JSTAT, for entertaining us all with his foolishness.

The End.

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