Absolute Best Counting Method for Double Deck?

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Hi-Opt II is the green straight line at the top of the graph at 100%. All the other counts are plotted relative to Hi-Opt II


Raising my hand all the way in the back row

I haven't posted or added anything to this thread because I just didn't want to look like a pompous ass just so full of myself that it's ridiculous but oh what the heck...

You missed one... the ultimate one, the "Tarzan" count, which is nothing more than the DHME system/Gordon style count modified to suit my own evil needs. I will not bother explaining it or talking of it too much as it is futile, since DHME is such an obscure count that is more difficult to master than any other. It's effectiveness, particularly in a two deck game, knows no equal.
iCountNTrack said:
I am not sure how you came up with your numbers but did Norman also mess up his graph

I have no idea what the parameters of those curves are. My numbers were for a very specific situation. And I'm sure the HO2 used here has the ace sidecount.

In order to make it a meaningful comparison in a surrender game, you have to generate surrender index numbers for Zen. The version that comes with CVData doesn't have them.


Well-Known Member
The super-SCORE is a weighted (based on the frequency of each rule combination) SCORE of all possible rule combinations.
As far as your sim there must be something wrong because there is absolutely no way Zen would beat Hi-Opt II with ASC for betting with any rules or any bet spread or at any penetration for a double deck game.
This whole argument started with ZG's rushed statement "Ace-neutral counts are obsolete" good ace-neutral counts such are Hi-Opt II are far from being obsolete for pitch games with a small bet spread, their performance decreases for shoe games and Zen easily wins over, but they are still pretty good and Hi-Opt II would still beat a good level I such as Hi-Lo as shown in the following.


iCountNTrack said:
I am not sure how you came up with your numbers but did Norman also mess up his graph

"Norman?" ... None of those are comparing HO2 WITHOUT ASC to ZEN, why introduce it? zg


iCountNTrack said:
This whole argument started with ZG's rushed statement "Ace-neutral counts are obsolete" good ace-neutral counts such are Hi-Opt II are far from being obsolete for pitch games with a small bet spread, their performance decreases for shoe games and Zen easily wins over, but they are still pretty good and Hi-Opt II would still beat a good level I such as Hi-Lo as shown in the following.
Before we address my "Ace-neutral counts are obsolete" statement, lets get this part straight:
Previously you presented a sim that showed HO2 w/o ASC beat ZEN in 2D - was that a trick? zg
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Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Before we address my "Ace-neutral counts are obsolete" statement, lets get this part straight:
Previously you presented a sim that showed HO2 w/o ASC beat ZEN in 2D - was that a trick? zg
ZG i would never post tricks, i am posting results using a universally know reliable simulator (CVCX). In any case the sim was a response to your unjustified biased point of view towards ace neutral counts. I was very clear when i said that good ace neutral such as Hi-Opt II could beat Zen in pitch games under some conditions, but Zen is almost universally better for shoe games.

zengrifter said:
There is NO consensus on that. Both are obsolete strategies, without a secondary count overlay,
like 2,5 +1 vs A-2. Ace-density 1/4D estimates, as recommended by the authors, won't cut the mustard.
That approach will only yield the same real-world result as
That is another point that i would like to clarify as far as adding an ace side count for betting, the 1/4D normal ace density DOES cut the mustard as this is the method used in the simulation. There us no need to use any secondary count. The 1/4 normal density method is far from being impossible for pitch games since there are only a few number of aces to side-count and it is much simpler to estimate the deck with a quarter deck density.

The bottom line is Zen is the perhaps the best overall count that would work all the time, but it is not the best count for DD games. I hope we have reached a resolution.


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bjcount said:
Ok guys.... now it's time to do the Renzey/Norm dance....kiss and make up.

Thread Locked. :)

Bj count, how did you get RPC, to perform so well for DD? Its right up there hangin with the big dogs.


Well-Known Member
jack said:
Bj count, how did you get RPC, to perform so well for DD? Its right up there hangin with the big dogs.
So now you want me to publically expose my secrets?

Perhaps it has something to do with the full sets of RA generated indices (DD & 6D) I'm using vs the original RPC



iCountNTrack said:
In any case the [2D] sim was a response to your unjustified biased point of view towards ace neutral counts.

... another point that i would like to clarify as far as adding an ace side count for betting, the 1/4D normal ace density DOES cut the mustard as this is the method used in the simulation. There us no need to use any secondary count. The 1/4 normal density method is far from being impossible for pitch games since there are only a few number of aces to side-count and it is much simpler to estimate the deck with a quarter deck density.
Before we move on - ANYONE else wish to challenge the 2D sims that show ZEN beat out by H02 WITHOUT ASC?

My "unjustified bias" towards Ace-neutral counts derives partially from Arnold Snyder and Ken Uston -
In fact I was quoting Uston: "Ace-neutral counts like HO2 and UAPC are obsolete." - Uston on BJ / 1986 Carroll Publishing

The problem with 1/4D A-density approximation reflected by sims is that the sims do it far better than humans do it.
A typical human practitioner will only yield a result about equal to what an Ace-compromised (Zen, Mentor) will do,
thus the average ASC 1/4D practitioner will work harder for essentially the same result.

Now with regard to 1-2D games, since the ZEN user is not counting Aces, he should be free to count-7s and
employ a simple bivaluate adjustment for certain stiffs - so the ZEN player side-counting 7s will SCORE higher
than HO2 side-counting As.

But I digress - The 2D sim that shows HO2-WOASC beats ZEN (and presumably Mentor as well).
If this is correct, I've been wrong about this issue for a long time. zg
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Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Before we move on - ANYONE else wish to challenge the 2D sims that show ZEN beat out by H02 WITHOUT ASC?

My "unjustified bias" towards Ace-neutral counts derives partially from Arnold Snyder and Ken Uston -
In fact I was quoting Uston: "Ace-neutral counts like HO2 and UAPC are obsolete." - Uston on BJ / 1986 Carroll Publishing

The problem with 1/4D A-density approximation reflected by sims is that the sims do it far better than humans do it.
But I'm really stuck on this 2D sim that shows HO2-WOASC beats ZEN (and presumably Mentor as well).
If this is correct, I've been wrong about this issue for a long time. zg
Should I run new/different sims?

With or w/o late Sr?

Number of decks?



Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
"Norman?" ... None of those are comparing HO2 WITHOUT ASC to ZEN, why introduce it? zg

The Super-SCORE charts use ace side-counts for HO2 and AO2 as stated in the text. I couldn't include every count and every variation.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Before we move on - ANYONE else wish to challenge the 2D sims that show ZEN beat out by H02 WITHOUT ASC?

My "unjustified bias" towards Ace-neutral counts derives partially from Arnold Snyder and Ken Uston -
In fact I was quoting Uston: "Ace-neutral counts like HO2 and UAPC are obsolete." - Uston on BJ / 1986 Carroll Publishing

The problem with 1/4D A-density approximation reflected by sims is that the sims do it far better than humans do it.
A typical human practitioner will only yield a result about equal to what an Ace-compromised (Zen, Mentor) will do,
thus the average ASC 1/4D practitioner will work harder for essentially the same result.

Now with regard to 1-2D games, since the ZEN user is not counting Aces, he should be free to count-7s and
employ a simple bivaluate adjustment for certain stiffs - so the ZEN player side-counting 7s will SCORE higher
than HO2 side-counting As.

But I digress - The 2D sim that shows HO2-WOASC beats ZEN (and presumably Mentor as well).
If this is correct, I've been wrong about this issue for a long time. zg
J,J did run the sim independently and he still got he same results. if you go back a couple of posts back.


jack said:
Should I run new/different sims?

With or w/o late Sr?

Number of decks?

Okay - use 2D h17 LS DAS 63% pene 1-8 spread

System A: HO2 full indices - no ace side count (how many indices?)
System B: ZEN full indices (how many indices?)

Is there anything else... how do you standardize the betting strategy for each?
I think something was off with the prior JJ sim - maybe the betting? zg
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Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Okay - use 2D h17 LS DAS 63% pene 1-8 spread

System A: HO2 full indices - no ace side count (how many indices?)
System B: ZEN full indices (how many indices?)

Is there anything else... how do you standardize the betting strategy for each?
I think something was off with the prior JJ sim - maybe the betting? zg
We should leave out Late Sr. since Zen has no indices for them.

Optimal Betting is taken right out of, CVCX. Once rules and condition, are input, CVCX, THEN, calculates the optimal speads. This changes, even at different pen levels.-----This doesnt necessarily mean, its optimized for max WRl.

Note: Complete zen, has no Ls, indices and only splittin tens, in splitting pairs stategy.

Your call? I will start new thread, later on.

Cvdata, also has the I18 option???????

I think this option, is an ideal one
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jack said:
Note: Complete zen, has no Ls, indices and only splittin tens, in splitting pairs stategy.
Then THAT is NOT full ZEN... so maybe the prior JJ and ICT sims were skewed?
Are there smaller subsets of HO2, like top40 indices? Lets get the indices equalized.
Or should we just use I-20 for both w/NO LS? zg
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Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Then THAT is NOT full ZEN... so maybe the prior JJ and ICT sims were skewed?
Are there smaller subsets of HO2, like top40 indices? Lets get the indices equalized.
Or should we just use I-20 for both w/NO LS? zg
Maybe they, were?

I think we should use I18, w/NO late Sr. Theres no option, for top40. That would have to been done manually-too much work!

Shouldl I start a new thread?

There was also, no indices for DD, a2-a5.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Then THAT is NOT full ZEN... so maybe the prior JJ and ICT sims were skewed?
Are there smaller subsets of HO2, like top40 indices? Lets get the indices equalized.
Or should we just use I-20 for both w/NO LS? zg
I don't think only using top 40 would do it justice though. The entire point of not using the Ace side count would be to get the best PE. That would be the only reason it may beat Zen out in DD, along with its insurance correlation. We just need to get full indices on the Zen version also.
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