AC Blackjack - Lucky Lady Side Bet


Well-Known Member
I was recently at AC and noticed a Lucky Lady Side Bet on a min 25, 8 deck shoe, DAS, DA2, S17, split 3 times. Here is the payoffs on the Lucky Lady's

Player - Dealer - Payoff:
2 Queen of hearts - Blackjack - 1000 to 1
2 Queen of hearts - any - 125 to 1
20 Pair (J,J) - any - 19 to 1
20 suited (Ad,9d) - any - 9 to 1
20 any (Qd,10c)- any - 4 to 1

Min bet on the LL is $1 to $25 max payoff for the table is $5000....

Question: If I am counting, is it worth betting the LL? :confused: If yes, what kind of edge (in percentage terms) would I need against the house to make this bet?

I have read that some people make this bet. I want to make sure I have a positive expectation. :toast: Any help would be appreciated?
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Yes and NO...

Yes the LLs side bet is beatable... but unfortunately the version you cite is NOT.

The beatable version is -

any20 4-1
suited20 10-1
match20 25-1
QQheart 200-1
QQh w/BJ 1000-1

With the above version, when the HiLo TC hits +5 you have a 1% advantage and it accellerates upward at about 8% for each additonal +1. The inferior version that you saw is not even legal in Nevada. zg