Ace/10 Front Vs High/Low


Well-Known Member
What is the mathematical edge each one gives per count? Say 6deck s17 double 9-11.

I have a friend who is will find High/Low too hard. Mainly the error seems to be that he sees hands like 7Q as 'even' instead of -1, if you aren't paying very close attention sometimes they get the 789 wrong and count them as lows. Every time we have practice games he ends up higher counts than me because of this. So I want to tell him to count just Ace 10's, which is easily in two ways becuase you only count up, and its difficult to miss a ten. Now high/low is meant to give 0.50% per count (anyone have an exact number)?

Now all the Ace/10 Front systems seems to suggest almost the exact same spread.

Also do you have think its werth changing from high/low to some sort of high/low plus ace count? I ask this because in my last session I got burned badly by a huge high count that was almost entirely aces. The dealer got most of them and they really helped push his 15's 16's to winners. If the count is only ahead on aces is the player at an advantage or not? Chance of blackjack is risen, but chance of having to re-hit stiff hands and chance of dealer sneaking into a soft or 17-18 total seems to outweight it.


dacium said:
I have a friend who is will find High/Low too hard. Mainly the error seems to be that he sees hands like 7Q as 'even' instead of -1, if you aren't paying very close attention sometimes they get the 789 wrong and count them as lows.
The 'ITA' count is a variation of HiLo that counts 7s as +1 and 9s as -1. It will work just as well as HiLo. zg

Tags 2-A:

HiLo: 11111000-1-1
ITA: 1111110-1-1-1


Well-Known Member
dacium said:
What is the mathematical edge each one gives per count? Say 6deck s17 double 9-11.

I have a friend who is will find High/Low too hard. Mainly the error seems to be that he sees hands like 7Q as 'even' instead of -1, if you aren't paying very close attention sometimes they get the 789 wrong and count them as lows. Every time we have practice games he ends up higher counts than me because of this. So I want to tell him to count just Ace 10's, which is easily in two ways becuase you only count up, and its difficult to miss a ten. Now high/low is meant to give 0.50% per count (anyone have an exact number)?

Now all the Ace/10 Front systems seems to suggest almost the exact same spread.

Also do you have think its werth changing from high/low to some sort of high/low plus ace count? I ask this because in my last session I got burned badly by a huge high count that was almost entirely aces. The dealer got most of them and they really helped push his 15's 16's to winners. If the count is only ahead on aces is the player at an advantage or not? Chance of blackjack is risen, but chance of having to re-hit stiff hands and chance of dealer sneaking into a soft or 17-18 total seems to outweight it.
i used the ace/10 front count fairly extensively before i finally mastered the hi/lo count. i was very impressed with the positive results i had with the ace/ten front count. the good results with the ace/ten front count is what inspired me to learn a more powerful count. the problem i found with the ace/ten front count was that negative fluctuation could be pretty wicked.
the ace/ten front count used as Renzy describes in Blackjack Bluebook II only provides a 1/4% advantage overall in a six deck game.

best regards,
mr fr0g :D


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
i used the ace/10 front count fairly extensively before i finally mastered the hi/lo count. i was very impressed with the positive results i had with the ace/ten front count. the good results with the ace/ten front count is what inspired me to learn a more powerful count. the problem i found with the ace/ten front count was that negative fluctuation could be pretty wicked.
the ace/ten front count used as Renzy describes in Blackjack Bluebook II only provides a 1/4% advantage overall in a six deck game.

best regards,
mr fr0g :D
The negative fluctuations can be pretty wicked with ANY counting system!


Well-Known Member
ScottH said:
The negative fluctuations can be pretty wicked with ANY counting system!
ain't that the truth! :cry:
i think what gives the ace/ten front count such a propensity for negative fluctuation is the fact that at it's lowest level counting is suspended once two decks have been dealt out and yet you keep your bets up through out the rest of the pack to be dealt. that coupled with the fact the advantage yielded is only 1/4% to begin with.

best regards,
mr fr0g :D


Well-Known Member
Just to toss in $.02.....I can't imagine a more easily learned, easily employed method than KO. It sure has been effective for me on 6D. I used it effectively in Vegas with DD and SD as well. The only thing I find difficult is figuring out what my bet should be without removing my shoes. :laugh: