Advantage at Marina Sands. Wow


Active Member
chessplayer said:
These are the rules at Marina Sands. If the rules are followed, the player according to the engine here states player will have 0.14 ADvantage.

(Dead link:

The rules are : Split up to 4 hands, double on any cards, ENHC, DAS, Surrender on any cards(Read 3.4. However, compare to 3.11),And Splits and double loses mere original if dealer has BJ(3.10 and 3.14),
player rarely get adv off the top worldwide nowaday.
ENHC ---
ES10 , 6d +0.24%
lose orig bet to bj +0.11%
6d -0.54%
simple maths
still a minus game anyway.


Active Member
yeefc128 said:
Sorry I am new to this forum. May I know what is the meaning of ES10?
u r not only new to this forum but also new to the game Bj i guess.
ES10 is early surr to 10s.

P.S. i was new too.