Advantage Play -- Bill Zender


Well-Known Member
UncrownedKing said:
The information that is relayed through this chat session will only end up in the hands of casino managers.
The idea is not for us to give him information. It is for us to get information from him.


Well-Known Member
UncrownedKing said:
The information that is relayed through this chat session will only end up in the hands of casino managers.
Seems unlikely that he's going to come with a list of indeapth questions regarding non-publised techniques or information. If the players that know such information choose to share it with BZ in an open chat, more fool them. I seriously doubt that though as players smart enough to gain that sort of knowledge are smart enough not to give it away. That being the case, the casino managers already have said information that will be presented during this chat.
I would think that most of the posters here should be less worried about giving away their coveted secrets (which aren't much in the way of secrets) and more interested in asking questions of a man who is an expert in casino surveillience. Seems like a prime opportunity to gain insider information to me.


P.S. As far as i'm aware BZ doesn't possess any amazing abilities to make you involentarily spill all your secrets. If anyone has proof that he does - please let me know. I'd hate to end up telling you all about the incident with the cat.......


Well-Known Member
I can't imagine him being honest and forthright, since he makes his living at it.

For example, do you think the Q and A would go something like this? :

Q: What do you think about this site,, etc?

A: It's a great source of intel for guys like me. You guys are a bunch of idiots to post all the casino info you do. It's exactly what we need to close the holes and improve our bottom line.
Pro21 said:
The idea is not for us to give him information. It is for us to get information from him.
Then again, why would he volunteer to come and be a chat guest? Spy vs. Spy?

You have 10 White spies and 1 Black spy in a room. All the White spies know the White team's secrets and the Black spy knows the Black team's secrets. At random, one spy reveals one or more secrets. Which team is most likely to benefit?

Keep in mind his seminars are only open to casino personnel, and for this reason. One active AP mingling at a confab of casino surveillance people is going to do a lot of damage to the Black team, far more than the value of the possibility of the AP teaching them something.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Keep in mind his seminars are only open to casino personnel, and for this reason. One active AP mingling at a confab of casino surveillance people is going to do a lot of damage to the Black team, far more than the value of the possibility of the AP teaching them something.
I think the motivation for this is obvious and transparent. In the same vein as any AP offering seminars to other APs. You put in a clause excluding casino personel/AP to make your client base feel safe - not because of any misplaced loyalty to one or the other.
As far as i'm aware Zender has no commercial connection to the casino industry barring his seminars and consultation work. Why would he care one way or another about any individual casinos bottom line unless he is currently specifically contracted by them to help solve some form of problem for them? He's a buisness man - and former (?) advantage player - his loyalty to the casino industry will extend as far as his contract.
As to it, i'm not sure he'd see any specific benefit to giving a talk here - where's the profit in it for him? But i don't see need to be worried about giving him extra information. Read AP for the Casino Executive - he know more that 99% of the people posting here anyway and if your suggesting that the few poster that do have some secret up their sleve are unexplainably going to suffer from verbal dihorrea (even though they haven't up till this point), again i'm going to need to know where BZ gained this magical ability? People who've learned something with serious profit potential that isn't already in the public forum have a tendency to be very tight lipped - i've no idea why.....
If you're dumb enough to talk about any level of play that isn't well known already in any public forum then you're not smart enough to have worked the play out by yourself. And if you've been given information by someone else, it'll be the last time it happens......



Well-Known Member
If Mr Zender was interested in being a host,I'd welcome him with open arms.
I'm sure I can learn a hell of a lot more from him than he can from me.
I'll keep my Goldendoodle in the next room so he doesn't reveal any of our secrets.


Well-Known Member
The Cat and Mice?

I vote no if that would matter I don't like cat's and we mice need all the cheese we can get. He does it for money as do we to the casino's. I would be less likely to ask a really technical question to a known mole than to someone that is like minded. I am well aware that the sharks cruise this and many other sites gleening useful information that would propell them into the next level of their carear.