1. Here is a (rounded and simplifed) list of distribution of true counts for a six deck game that I pulled off of the web somewhere - it's based on a several million hand sample. It's simplified in that I've taken all of the counts above +6 and below -6 and addeded them into the +6/-6 totals. All of the frequencies add up to 100%.
TC Frequency
-6 . . . 1.73%
-5 . . . 2.04%
-4 . . . 3.69%
-3 . . . 6.61%
-2 . . . 12.19%
-1 . . . 18.17%
0 . . . . 29.43%
1 . . . . 11.82%
2 . . . . 6.43%
3 . . . . 3.55%
4 . . . . 2.03%
5 . . . . 1.09%
6 . . . . 1.22%
2. Here's a betting ramp to use:
All hands with a count at +1 or lower bet 1 unit.
At +2 bet 4 units.
At +3 bet 8 units.
At +4 and higher bet 16 units.
For the sake of the calculations, let's assume a betting unit is £5, and use 100 hands to simplify the sums - so over 100 hands, when the true count was zero, you'd bet £5 x 100 hands x 29.43% (= £147.15). If you apply this to all of the true count distribution, the total of all of the bets should come back to £500.
3. If you refer to the basic strategy engine on this site, and tap in the correct parameters, you should get that ENHC rules with a six deck shoe has an off the top house edge of 0.55%. For the sake of simplifying this exercise we'll assume that the OTT HE is -0.50%.
4. Assume that each increase/decrease in the true count represents a 0.5% movement, so at true count +1, the HE would be zero (OTT at -0.5 plus +0.5), at TC+2 it will be +0.5% (OTT at -0.5 plus 2 x +0.5) etc etc. So at each TC you can estimate the disadvantage/advantage you're playing at.
5. So, knowing the true count distribution, the number of hands, the amount bet and advantage and disadvantage at each count, you can calculate the expected win/loss at each count level - negative expectation counts (zero and below) should show a loss, positive ones (TC+2 and above) a profit, and of course TC+1 which has a neutral/zero expectation should be just that and return zero as a win/loss.
So you have everything here to calculate the net win/loss for 100 hands when applying the betting ramp and £5 a unit. See how you get on. It's really a cup of coffee job when building a spreadsheet. The figures that fall out aren't going to be accurate to the nth decimal place, but there'll be good enough as a fair indication of the longer term EV for applying a particular betting ramp to a particular ruleset. It does assume, of course, playing perfect basic strategy, perfect counting, perfect application of indices and no deviations for cover - errors in any of these will affect the result.
Let us know how you get on.