All Blackjack is Local?

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
So This is What a Hijacked Thread is? LOL

Not angry nor trying to draw negative attention to anyone. My thread has become a discussion of CTR's and SAR's.:laugh: Perhaps my OP wasn't clear enough.

When we give answers to non math bj questions, the answers are more subjective in nature. I think it matters a lot the region one is basing their opinions on or does location not matter? Should it be stated when answering ?s the region one plays in, if one is willing to say.

So I ask again
Is all blackjack local?


good cards
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Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:
Not angry nor trying to draw negative attention to anyone. My thread has become a discussion of CTR's and SAR's.:laugh: Perhaps my OP wasn't clear enough.

When we give answers to non math bj questions, the answers are more subjective in nature. I think it matters a lot the region one is basing their opinions on or does location not matter? Should it be stated when answering ?s the region one plays in, if one is willing to say.

So I ask again
Is all blackjack local?


good cards
sorry for the hijack, maybe a mod can still take it out and make it a new thread.

i think the answer to your question is yes and no. most of what people find worthy of discussion on any topic is marginal. if it was clear cut there wouldnt be much of a debate and we'd mostly all agree and people who didnt would be radicals. every topic worth discussing usually doesnt have a right or wrong answer that applies to all. you conclusion is always "local" - meaning you have a set of endowments, priorities and values and so what is true for you may not be true for everyone.

believe it or not, i got way off track and actually wrote a lot more which i had to snip out. i realise that wasnt the answer to the specific question you asked regarding regions, but i was answering the a more general question to which it was a subset of. maybe i did this because i do feel like people do make a lot of mention about how their advice IS regionally local and i think its always implied if only sometimes stated

ps. im glad u brought this up though. i do sense a little of the closed mindedness inherent of most forums. Some peoples posts would be improved (and written with less authority) if they realised their advice was infact local. (those being the exception and not the norm. great site!)
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Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:
Not angry nor trying to draw negative attention to anyone. My thread has become a discussion of CTR's and SAR's.:laugh: Perhaps my OP wasn't clear enough.

When we give answers to non math bj questions, the answers are more subjective in nature. I think it matters a lot the region one is basing their opinions on or does location not matter? Should it be stated when answering ?s the region one plays in, if one is willing to say.

So I ask again
Is all blackjack local?


good cards
Sorry. :eek::eek:

I agree with blackriver. It's both local and general. It all depends on the specific subject matter and context. I believe there are universal truths regarding blackjack and general guidelines that apply to a number of non-specific circumstances.
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