Just thinking outloud here. All of a sudden this site is swamped with new people. Welcome everybody!!! And then Exgriffinman shows up . Seems to be legit.
I'm just sayin.....kinda weird. 3 great poker sites are shut down. Hmmmmm.
Our president finds his birth certificate. Hmmmmmm.
(Still just thinkin outloud)
The mississippi is flooding. The Corp is gonna blow a levee. Tornadoes killing hundreds. Nuclear meltdown in Japan after mega quake!!
Trump running for president...(ole bankrupt trumpt).
How much more can I take?
Weird stuff........what's next ZG eating McD's and Taco Bell???
I'm just sayin.....kinda weird. 3 great poker sites are shut down. Hmmmmm.
Our president finds his birth certificate. Hmmmmmm.
(Still just thinkin outloud)
Trump running for president...(ole bankrupt trumpt).
How much more can I take?
Weird stuff........what's next ZG eating McD's and Taco Bell???