All too easy?

I just don't get this online BJ thing! Isn't it just too easy to run a parallel perfect play computer and take bank? I am REALLY suspicious about gambling money on the internet. Surely they can monitor whether you're counting and refuse to pay up?

What are some reliable sites that are easy to beat? (I understand if you don't want to spread the word, but a discrete personal e-mail to help me out would be much appreciated).

[email protected]

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
I didn't believe it either. I read Bill Haywoods book beat web casinos and gave it a try first for a $25 bonus. I have been playing online ever since. They simply figure that you would not download a casino to play it for the bonus $ then never come back to play them again. For every 1 disciplined player there are dozens of ploppy's, just like in a real casino and that's how they make their money. Maybe we should talk about that on the non-BJ board? I don't want to "wear out my welcome" here.

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
The advantage is not achieved by counting. The advantage comes from the fact that they will often give you a $100+ bonus for a $100 deposit. All you want to do is play even with the house for the required # of hands then leave with your deposit and their bonus bucks.