Alright, need advice on cheap accommodation.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
My cousin has decided to bring her friends to Vegas for her 21st birthday, and I was wondering if anyone would like to fill me in on the ins and outs of obtaining good rates on rooms on the strip. Personally, I'm happy with any number of sleazy $20 a night joints off the strip, but seeing as how this is for my cousins birthday, I figured we should do it proper.

Any recommendations on places to stay that are cheap and somewhat central? Also, how can I get the price knocked down on rooms? Simply ask for the casino rate? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
The Imperial Palace is really cheap, and central. It's pretty loud though, though probably fine if you're up late every night. That's where my friends stay when they drive out for party weekends.


Well-Known Member
$30/night rooms at the Tropicana and Hooters right now. I just booked a room for $30 at the Trop and they upgraded me for free


Well-Known Member
Rooms are the cheapest they have been in a long time. On or just off the strip you have the IP, Hooters, Circus Circus, Casino Royale, Tropicana.

Here are some rates for September
Weekday- Plaza $19, Vegas Club $19, Hooters$20, El Cortez $30(buy 2 get third free).
Weekends- Vegas Club/Plaza- $35

Check out Expedia, as they usually run some great deals.
Or go to and use their search engine for some great bargins


Well-Known Member
If you're looking to stay inexpensively on the Strip, I don't think you can beat Casino Royale. Centrally located, rates for the coming months range from $39 during the week, to the most expensive Saturday night going for $89, most less.


Well-Known Member
You're better off at the El Cortez or other downtown joints or Terrible's.
On the Strip-IP as suggested, Sahara, Riviera, Strat, Casino Royale, Bill's, Circus Circus, Excalibur.


Well-Known Member
I did very well using Priceline. Just name your price at a 4- or 5-star on the strip. I got a concierge-level room at Planet Hollywood for $65/night. Yes, you can get cheaper - but not at PH concierge level. If you really lowball your offer and you can book at one of the 4- or 5-star hotels on the strip, you'll come out a hero for the party.


Well-Known Member
But you will do well to invest $10 and buy this new book:

It surprised the hell out of me. It focuses on frugality and is very comprehensive.

(Dead link:

The author reviews ALL of the accommodations that there are to be had.

There are even two hostels at $18 and $20 a night.

There are hetero sex clubs and gay places and $89 condo rentals.

I found it in my local library.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
Very interesting, thanks guys! Julie, I thought about trying the Priceline gambit, but since I'm helping book the trip for a cousin's birthday, I needed to be able to choose exactly where we're staying. As it turns out, they're pretty set on Excalibur, which ends up being pretty reasonable with some coupon codes and promotions, but if it were up to me, I'd be staying at the Gold Spike, ha ha.

Flash, thanks for the tip; I'll look into that one for my next trip in November!


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
I found it in my local library.
Very coincidental...I have the same thing checked out from my library as well. I completely agree with you in that it is extremely informative. The dining aspect has proven very useful.

good luck :joker:

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
For a really cheap hotel id say try out Hooters. The location is better than the stratosphere and you would be amazed with how but the rooms are... they are enormous for a standard room. The rooms are clean and its a good place to sleep.

If you guys are going to clubs or anything let me know. I own a promotion site and can hook you up. Just dont order anything from the site I can set you up. Take a look at and pick some stuff out


Well-Known Member
I stay downtown at El Cortez. It's inexpensive with quality rooms, the comps are very very good and the blackjack is the best odds in town. There's not all that much sweat, though they will call checks play for a hundred bucks. The dealers are english-challenged, but I don't play to banter about with the dealer. If you need a break from BJ, they have plenty of full pay video poker.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
Checks play for $100 sounds pretty sweaty to me! Honestly though, I won't be spending much time downtown on this trip, but I'll be going back in November and was planning on playing a bit at El Cortez. Do they still call checks play if you're spreading two hands totaling over $100?


Well-Known Member
Some dealers at EC will call chexplay on you if you go from betting six red to one green. Seriously.
I find it's better to play a stack of all red than a green and some red.
Regularly betting $100 will get you some serious scrutiny.

The EC has been running specials where you pay $47 for a room in their new Havana Suites but get $25 in free slot play and a $25 food credit.
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