I looked up the 'index' plays on this page: (Archive copy) .
I'm assuming this is the simple High-Low counting system, (the numbers listed go from A - Face).
Tell me if I'm reading this table right, (I'm looking at the 6D column and have rearranged the plays in order of the count.) I'm supposed to make the indicated play instead of the Basic Strategy play at the counts listed, correct? Also if the count is higher or lower than the count listed, I would include that play as well, (i.e. count is +2 I still double on 9 vs. 2).
Hopefully this isn't a stupid question, but I want to get it right.
<tt>True Count     Hand      Play
-2           13 vs. 3    Hit
-1           12 vs. 6    Hit
-1           12 vs. 5    Hit
 0           12 vs. 4    Hit
 0           13 vs. 2    Hit
 1           9 vs. 2     Double
 1           16 vs. T    Stand
 2           11 vs. A    Double
 2           12 vs. 3    Stand
 3           Insurance   Take
 4           9 vs. 7     Double
 4           10 vs. A    Double
 4           10 vs. T    Double
 4           12 vs. 2    Stand
 5           15 vs. T    Stand
 5           16 vs. 9    Stand
 5           TT vs. 5    Split
 5           TT vs. 6    Split
I'm assuming this is the simple High-Low counting system, (the numbers listed go from A - Face).
Tell me if I'm reading this table right, (I'm looking at the 6D column and have rearranged the plays in order of the count.) I'm supposed to make the indicated play instead of the Basic Strategy play at the counts listed, correct? Also if the count is higher or lower than the count listed, I would include that play as well, (i.e. count is +2 I still double on 9 vs. 2).
Hopefully this isn't a stupid question, but I want to get it right.
<tt>True Count     Hand      Play
-2           13 vs. 3    Hit
-1           12 vs. 6    Hit
-1           12 vs. 5    Hit
 0           12 vs. 4    Hit
 0           13 vs. 2    Hit
 1           9 vs. 2     Double
 1           16 vs. T    Stand
 2           11 vs. A    Double
 2           12 vs. 3    Stand
 3           Insurance   Take
 4           9 vs. 7     Double
 4           10 vs. A    Double
 4           10 vs. T    Double
 4           12 vs. 2    Stand
 5           15 vs. T    Stand
 5           16 vs. 9    Stand
 5           TT vs. 5    Split
 5           TT vs. 6    Split