Am I reading the indexes right?

I looked up the 'index' plays on this page: (Archive copy) .

I'm assuming this is the simple High-Low counting system, (the numbers listed go from A - Face).

Tell me if I'm reading this table right, (I'm looking at the 6D column and have rearranged the plays in order of the count.) I'm supposed to make the indicated play instead of the Basic Strategy play at the counts listed, correct? Also if the count is higher or lower than the count listed, I would include that play as well, (i.e. count is +2 I still double on 9 vs. 2).

Hopefully this isn't a stupid question, but I want to get it right.

<tt>True Count     Hand      Play
-2           13 vs. 3    Hit
-1           12 vs. 6    Hit
-1           12 vs. 5    Hit
 0           12 vs. 4    Hit
 0           13 vs. 2    Hit
 1           9 vs. 2     Double
 1           16 vs. T    Stand
 2           11 vs. A    Double
 2           12 vs. 3    Stand
 3           Insurance   Take
 4           9 vs. 7     Double
 4           10 vs. A    Double
 4           10 vs. T    Double
 4           12 vs. 2    Stand
 5           15 vs. T    Stand
 5           16 vs. 9    Stand
 5           TT vs. 5    Split
 5           TT vs. 6    Split


Yes, correct.

If you plan to play 1D, 2D, and 6-8D, then just leard the 2D#s. If you plan to mostly play 6-8D, those #s will suffice for infrequent 1-2D games. zg


index numbers *LINK*


There are two excellent posts/articles over at about this topic. They're geared toward beginners, written by a very talented teacher, and I highly recommend taking a look. Just follow the link to, then hit the Table of Contents button at the left, then go to Playing Strategies > Indices.

The articles are:
"Index generation and usage methods"
by Richard Reid
"Hit on the Left" method for using indices. (For Hard Hit/Stand and Hard Doubling Index numbers)
by Richard Reid. [Modified 98/12/12]

best of luck to you,
Zero count indexes ?

How do the zero count indexes numbers work? I see 2 plays, 12 vs. 4 and 13 vs. 2 listed at a count of zero. It would seem to me that if the count is zero (like at the beginning of the shoe), I'd just make the Basic Strategy play. When do I make the BS play and when do I make the index play on these two ?



Well-Known Member
Composition dependent basic strategy

> I see 2 plays, 12 vs. 4 and 13 vs. 2 listed at a count of zero. It would seem
> to me that if the count is zero (like at the beginning of the shoe), I'd just
> make the Basic Strategy play. When do I make the BS play and when do I make
> the index play on these two ?

You have to factor in the cards that you are holding. With a 10,2 vs. 4 the Hi-Low RC is +1. With a 6,2,4 vs. 4 the count is +4. Any combination of cards that total 12 vs. 4 will give you a positive count. Basic strategy assumes that the count is positive because of the cards that you are holding so it tells you to stand on 12 vs. 4. Only when the RC is negative from previous rounds is it correct to hit these hands.
