Am I the only one who gets mad


Well-Known Member
when I see the casinos giving players bad advice like telling them to take even money all the time on 3:2 games. To me it's just wrong. If you don't know the best strategy for every hand, I don't think you have any business telling someone what to do. It especially pisses me off when I see the player then tipping them. The funny thing is, I could tell them I wouldn't take even money but the players will still trust the casino employed dealer over me lol. My favorite was the guy who said he was playing correct basic strategy. He was holding a cheat sheet that he bought from the casino store. He didn't realize though that the cheat sheet was for single deck lol.


Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
Am I the only one who gets mad...

hey ignorance is bliss. besides, the casinos got to make money from someone so that i can take it from the casinos right?


Well-Known Member
What's even worse is the slot attendants who'll steer someone to a certain machine; implying that they have some sort of "inside information". If they can steer enough people to enough different machines, sooner or later ONE of those machines is bound to hit, hopefully ensuring that attendant a nice tip.

But to answer your question, I don't know anyone who actually gets MAD about it. As the line in the movie goes: "Don't get mad, get even".

Play safe

Thunder said:
when I see the casinos giving players bad advice like telling them to take even money all the time on 3:2 games. To me it's just wrong. If you don't know the best strategy for every hand, I don't think you have any business telling someone what to do. It especially pisses me off when I see the player then tipping them. The funny thing is, I could tell them I wouldn't take even money but the players will still trust the casino employed dealer over me lol. My favorite was the guy who said he was playing correct basic strategy. He was holding a cheat sheet that he bought from the casino store. He didn't realize though that the cheat sheet was for single deck lol.
I've come to learn that it's part of the daily routine to listen to bad advice being given not only by dealers but also other players, it's a certainty that your going to see people walk up to the table and throw there money away!
You'v just got to bite your lip!

Play safe

The most recent one I heard from a dealer when asked by a ploppy if he should follow basic strategy, was......
"BS only works if your playing over a long period but other wise you should really play on a hunch as that's how you win in the short term".



Back in the 70's, when good single-deck games still existed, I once heard a pit boss tell a player with a basic strategy card, "That stuff only works half the time." I wonder if he knew that was an admission that using BS resulted in an even money game.

Then there was the dealer I saw who convinced a clueless lady to split 5's...I was so ticked off, I left the table.


Well-Known Member
It works both ways..

I for one don't get mad when a casino employee gives bad advice... I even ask 'em for advice in situations that are marginal and won't really matter how I play it. Some actually do know what they are doing. Besides it's the players responsibility to know what the correct play is... and these are the same guys that keep the store in business.

I once played on a crap table after being backed off the BJ table. I told the table guys that I had no clue how to play craps. I bought in for 1K and and told them I would bet it any way they wanted me to. Forty five minutes later I was up 2K and left them with 2 blacks as a tip.

Lucky, sure, but still fun. :)


Well-Known Member
When I'm dealing the cards I always give the correct BS play, I usually say "I'd split the 9's but it's entirely up to you boss, it's your money" and I also try explaining to people that taking even money is the same as insurance... Do you ever take insurance? But usually other ploppy's at the table are like "Take even money! You get paid for sure that way!"


Well-Known Member
What most dealers know about playing

The majority of dealers know how to deal blackjack but with many exceptions do not know proper basic strategy. What they do know is how their average players play and that is what they have learned.
Some casinos do not want dealers giving advice. Not that they fear the dealers would give proper or inproper advice but because the casino knows that even the best advice will just change things slightly and often results in a player blaming the dealer.
Some dealers do not like to give advice for the same reason.
Some players just have to give everyone else advice, right or wrong.

Unless you know the cards that will come out of that shoe and also know the dealer's hole card, just let everyone play their own money their own way.

I was just in Vegas and a player asked the dealer if she should split her 9s against a 5. The dealer said that you should never split 9s, since 18 is a winning hand.


Well-Known Member
BJBlowHole said:
I was just in Vegas and a player asked the dealer if she should split her 9s against a 5. The dealer said that you should never split 9s, since 18 is a winning hand.
lol yeah i hear gamblers say crap like that all the time, i just stay quiet and think in my head "yeah get dealt 18 all day and you'll be far ahead" ahahahaha :laugh:

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Play safe said:
The most recent one I heard from a dealer when asked by a ploppy if he should follow basic strategy, was......
"BS only works if your playing over a long period but other wise you should really play on a hunch as that's how you win in the short term".

There is some truth to this. In the absolute short term, incorrect plays have saved unskilled players many bets.


Well-Known Member
BJBlowHole said:
I was just in Vegas and a player asked the dealer if she should split her 9s against a 5. The dealer said that you should never split 9s, since 18 is a winning hand.
I can't tell you how many times I've had other players roll their eyes or yell at me when I split 9s in accordance with BS. I used to explain it's BS - now, I just grin and win.


Well-Known Member
JulieCA said:
I can't tell you how many times I've had other players roll their eyes or yell at me when I split 9s in accordance with BS. I used to explain it's BS - now, I just grin and win.
Tell them two winning hands are better than one ;)
By the way

when playing at blackjack tournaments for fun money I saw that almost all players splitted 10's...when I asked them whether they are using the BS, the reply was negative..or is it just in fun money games?


Well-Known Member
Oh be still my tongue !

I like Ruckus' response a lot.

One of the primary means a pit critter uses to get a quick sense of how hopelessly clueless a ploppy may be — is by noting their treatment of their 18's.

Happily standing [improperly] on soft 18 and with paired 9's tells the pit what they need to know.

Silence is golden when it comes to bad plays and horrid advive;
and at the current spot price of gold … ;)


Well-Known Member
I recently had a dealer chastise me for doubling an A8 v 5 in a + count. He said, "you should never double a soft 19." I answered, "isn't this why they call it gambling?"

An AP friend of mine rarely makes this play because he believes it's too attention-getting. What do you think?