An AP move I'm pretty proud of...


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Hey what country are you from? Your accent is funny. :violin:

I'm confused, you play Basic Strategy? I don't, sorry, I can't remember the last time I played Basic Strategy. In fact I had been splitting 10's and hitting hard 14 vs. 2 a lot that day, even taking insurance sometimes!

When this happened the pit wasn't angry, the dealer and PC were laughing with me. You, however, would undoubtedly make them angry so I suggest you not try it.
I still remember when I played the RPC. If I Recall correctly 14v2 was the highest Index play listed in PBAB, for a stiff against a bust card. I was blown away some time later when I realized that these Index plays go all the way up to 16vs6.
Im assuming here thats why you used 14vs2 in your example:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
RJT said:
Have you really not played any SD? It's a trip, and I recommend it to anyone to try at least once.

(I'd almost go so far as to play through one shuffle worth of 6:5 if it's all that's available... but not I'm not that crazy)
jack said:
I still remember when I played the RPC. If I Recall correctly 14v2 was the highest Index play listed in PBAB, for a stiff against a bust card. I was blown away some time later when I realized that these Index plays go all the way up to 16vs6.
Im assuming here thats why you used 14vs2 in your example:rolleyes:
Sure. 14 vs. 2 is actually not that extreme a count and it doesn't cost much to hit it for cover even when the count is neutral. When you use an ace-neutral or Zen-ace count, the playing indices become even more powerful and there are a lot of negative indices that keep money off the table and make you look like a poor player at the same time.


Well-Known Member
My best ap move was when I was called into a hot shoe won 7k got a date and a comp RFB. All in about 4 and a half minutes.

Second best was to go to Knowledgeable APs to improve my game.


Well-Known Member
You know what, the day i'm not allowed to express an opinion about the information contained in someone else's posts simply because it might not be complimetary to their egos is the day i'm outta here. It's called censorship and it's offensive in any form.



Well-Known Member
RJT said:
You know what, the day i'm not allowed to express an opinion about the information contained in someone else's posts simply because it might not be complimetary to their egos is the day i'm outta here.
You are free to express your opinions all you want, just try to be civil about it. Remember Rule #3:

  • Be nice. While intelligent people can and will disagree, make an extra effort to be civil.
You can discuss the effectiveness of other people’s advice all you want as long as your comments are BJ oriented. Any posts that are straight personal attacks will be removed. I really don’t want any more threads veering off track and ending up with meaningless arguments. I don’t mean to imply that this is your fault at all. Generally these arguments are a culmination of a several factors and various personalities, but I have to start somewhere. When a feud goes on for this long, I think we are all to blame.

I apologize if this seems unfair. I kept a backup copy of the deleted posts so if you want to discuss the possibility of bringing some of the information back you can send me a PM. Your advice is greatly appreciated on this website and I would hate to lose your input, but this bickering has hijacked several threads in the past and I want to keep this board productive. It isn’t fair to the people who start these threads when their questions don’t get answered because of personal disputes.

Again, feel free to contact me privately if you want to discuss these policies. I'm sure we can reach an understanding that benefits us all.



Well-Known Member
If that rule has to be taken to the extent that conflict is not allowed then you have a serious issue. Part of growing up and joining the adult world is realizing that you are not going to agree or even get along with everyone. Both AM and myself are adults and I’m sure we are both mature enough to handle that concept.
As to questions getting answered - in relation to this thread a technique was discussed with differing opinions as to how useful it was. Some suggested that it might be useful and some expressed the opinion that it was of very limited use and would do more harm than good. As far as i can see that topic has been taken as far as anyone seemed interested in taking it.
I did nothing more than express the opinion that what AM has been posting in reply to my observations has been of little value if you have read even a couple of decent books on the topic of blackjack and in some cases is contradictory to the vast majority of expert advice on the game. The last thing that will promote any form of productive discussion is everyone patting themselves on the back for mundane achievements.
It is important for people to realize what is noteworthy information and what is widely available or 'common knowledge' lest they form inaccurate opinions about value of the information given and the extent of the experience and knowledge of the poster.
To my mind a moderator is here to remove spam, limit profanity, remove extremely destructive posters and encourage open discussion. If i had at any point called AM a nasty name, made what could be considered a libelous comment or made some sort of direct negative comment that was totally unrelated to the discussion then i would view a deleted or edited post as warranted.
And as it goes, it seems to be acceptable to be deliberately patronizing - "Well this is a pitch game (SD or DD, you hold the cards in your hand.)" - in hopes of a rise but unacceptable to respond to such an attitude with suitable negativity. I'm fully expecting the "but how was i to know, you live in the UK and don't have any SD/DD games so i started from the bottom" reply but it's obvious even to the previously mentioned but deleted half wit's dog that the assumption of ignorance has been deliberately exaggerated to allow AM to take the role of mentor and all round good guy just looking to share his wisdom with someone who doesn't know any better. I may not think the world of the advice AM give in relation to the game but he’s more than smart enough to use this form of basic manipulation. It may be more difficult to moderate this sort of behavior, but it doesn't stop reasonable people using their eyes and brains to assess what's going on and take account of such before harsh judgments are made.
No personal issue Sonny – I think you are a genuinely knowledgeable and intelligent guy with your smarts about you when it comes to playing the game – but the idea that I can’t – even in a civilized fashion – call ‘bull$hit’ when I see it just because of prior personal issues between the poster and myself is not one I’m comfortable with.



Well-Known Member
RJT said:
If that rule has to be taken to the extent that conflict is not allowed then you have a serious issue.
I understand what you’re saying. Trust me, I’m not trying to stifle anyone’s opinions or eliminate all conflict. That would make for a very dull and uninformative website. All I’m trying to do is keep the personal conflicts from interfering with the BJ discussions.

You are free to call bullshit on anyone at any time. In fact, I encourage it. You are also free to explain exactly why you think their advice is bullshit and discuss better alternatives. Where I draw the line is when things get personal. When people stop talking about BJ and start taking personal shots is when things start getting deleted. I did it before when certain people were accused of shilling seminars and I’ll do it again if things don’t stay relevant. Perhaps I’m singling you two out and being more strict than I am with other members, but since this particular case is an ongoing episode I feel like I should pay close attention to it. I really want to nip this in the bud so that it doesn't escalate. You can disagree all you want and I won’t stop you from getting your points across, just try to keep it civil.

As you said, everyone here is an adult and should be able to treat each other with respect even when opinions differ. That’s all I ask. :)



Well-Known Member
I appreciate that and i hadn't noticed this up until this point that you've removed some of AM's post's too, although i'm fairly sure that this morning when my post was first deleted, AM's post had not been. I also understand that you have a difficult job and i feel have been fairly light hearted and sympathetic when you have edited other post i've made in this thread - however, i don't think that this stretched to the extents you mentioned and while i may have been harsh in several of my posts and in my initial reaction to having posts deleted entirely, remain unconvinced as to the nessicity of editing this thread in the first place.



Well-Known Member
RJT said:
...although i'm fairly sure that this morning when my post was first deleted, AM's post had not been.
That's true. I deleted yours first then deleted his right after. The forum software was a little slow this morning (maybe it was my connection) so it may have taken a while before I removed AM's posts.

I apologize if it seems like I overreacted. I am happy to discuss this privately if you feel my actions were unfair or if you need any further resolution. This applies to anyone else as well. After all, this is your message board. I'm just the guy who pushes the buttons.



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
I apologize if it seems like I overreacted. I am happy to discuss this privately if you feel my actions were unfair or if you need any further resolution. This applies to anyone else as well.
No i'm quite settled with the resolution of this situation. I'm not convinced that this thread would have gotten out of hand, it seemed fairly resolved, but at the end of the day the buck stops with your decision so i'm happy enough to abide by whatever you feel. As i said, i was harsh in my initial reaction as i had not noticed that you had deleted more than the one post in question and i hope no offence has been caused.
