Well-Known Member
Well, here we go again with the ASMs that seem to move 14 or more ten valued cards together towards the bottom of the deck. Again, I was playing at Harrahs putting the thought of bad variance at the forefront of my last mishap there... Wouldn't you know, the same thing was happening. Groups of low cards, nearly 25 at sometimes (this is a double deck game 75% penetration) followed by solid groups of 10 valued cards in which everyone gets 20 with maybe a 9 in there! So after losing $2300 dollars (and I was being conservative here) I pointed this out to the Pit and the other 2 players. I told the boss that there are no 10s mixed in with the other cards for the majority of the time. Look at the last three rounds in the discard try... not one single 10 valued card! So he took the cards from the discard rack and fanned them out... indeed no 10s for about 25 cards... But look... there's like nearly 20 of them right at the beginning mixed in with some 9s & 8s... OH! He then replies to me that it was because a lot of 10s came out already ... LOLOLOLOL! Exactly! You should see a 10 in every 3.3 cards on average... but this was going on for a few hours (shame on me for playing that long). I played a strict game using HOPTII... spread to a couple hands on a +15 true count about 2/3rds of the cards dealt and received a bunch of shit... Aces with low cards again... so I told him... fan the rest of the cards in the dealers hand... I bet there's a bunch of 10 valued cards behind that cut card... He wouldn't do it. The other 2 players noted this as well when I pointed it out... it was just way off from even what was considered bad variance.... So these Indian Casinos are using chipped ASMs to produce clumps of 10s so the majority of us will cut them out of play, or they'll all come out at once at some point creating a solid push effectively removing them from the deck legally! What more proof do you want? I really wish I could of recorded this episode with my iPhone :/