An example why casinos are going broke


Well-Known Member
This could become a series, after my Surrender post the other day...

So I'm in casinoville today sitting next to a ploppy I see there all the time. He is a terrible player. I watch him hit hard 17 v 10 and get a 4. I say, "nice hit."

He then told me he made the same play at a Strip casino a few months ago (the one that you think you see but really isn't there) and they told him "no more blackjack." To top it off, he's a red chipper. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
This could become a series, after my Surrender post the other day...

So I'm in casinoville today sitting next to a ploppy I see there all the time. He is a terrible player. I watch him hit hard 17 v 10 and get a 4. I say, "nice hit."

He then told me he made the same play at a Strip casino a few months ago (the one that you think you see but really isn't there) and they told him "no more blackjack." To top it off, he's a red chipper. :laugh:
PC should have let him play, he could have gone broke!


Well-Known Member

You have to laugh when the casino's get it all wrong and dog toss the wrong person. The expression of the person getting tossed is priceless. I've sat at a table where the pb and the dealer started asking if the guy was trying to the cards? He said sure " sure there is 416 in the shoe". :laugh:


Well-Known Member
I love it when dealers attempt to "point out" someone counting at the table.

A few weeks ago, a dealer wonderfully timed his comment as the PB was watching the table. A young-looking guy was leaving the table and said "Jeez, nothing works at this shoe game. I'm going to play at the two deck game." As he was leaving, the dealer confidently says "Yeah, counting and index plays are easier at two deck blackjack, you'll have an easier time."

The guy hadn't made more than a handful of correct playing decisions the entire time! :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Hitting hard 17 and getting a 4 isn't a sign of a counter, it's a sign of stupidity. The Strip casino should have immediately given him a room comp instead of backing him off.


Well-Known Member
alwayssplitaces said:
Hitting hard 17 and getting a 4 isn't a sign of a counter, it's a sign of stupidity. The Strip casino should have immediately given him a room comp instead of backing him off.
You're stating the obvious here, at least to anyone who has the ability to think.


Well-Known Member
alwayssplitaces said:
Hitting hard 17 and getting a 4 isn't a sign of a counter, it's a sign of stupidity. The Strip casino should have immediately given him a room comp instead of backing him off.
Could also be a hole carder or other advantage play. But of course 99.99999% of time its just a dumbass.


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
I was at the hallucination casino in December. I got the boot in 30 minutes playing DD. Of course, that backoff could have been a figment of my imagination as well.


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
I think the newest property is the worst in terms of heat and back-offs.
I got backed off there on Day 1, 2 hours after they opened...also five minutes later in a different pit (It was really busy so i tried it)

I also had some problems at the casinos you cant see, but they were too confused and i was too drunk so no acusations were made,almost as if i had created some kind of illusion

the queens shuffled on me after maybe 6 hands, then they simply told me they didnt like how i changed my bets around and i couldnt play as if it wasnt even a big deal, seems theyd rather rule out all players who change their bets regardless.