An Introduction


New Member
**NOTE: If this thread in the wrong section of the forum, can an administrator please relocate it or remove it? Thanks!**

Hi everyone! I'm TheNewbie and I've been lurking this forum for a few weeks now, so I finally decided to make an account. Here's a bit about myself:

I chose my username, TheNewbie, because I just started counting about two weeks ago. I've been learning the Hi/Lo counting method. I feel like I have made temendous improvements since when I first started, but there is always so much more to learn. Hopefully my username will soon be obsolete! I am currently not yet old enough to play in most casinos, however I can and do play in 18+ venues. I am slowly transitioning my love of poker to blackjack.

I hope to get to know all of you, and I look forward to talking about and learning more about this fantastic game!



Welcome to the faster paced game of blackjack. This game is more of a rush than good old poker in my opinion. I'm in the same situation as you in regards to age. I've been doing this for 17 months now and still more than a year away from be able to play in vegas. I've been told it's worth the wait. The key is to build up a bankroll in the few years before than. I wish you good variance.


New Member
Thanks for the warm welcome, Paddler.

Also, I feel like I should clarify - I have not played Blackjack in a casino since I've started practicing card counting. I am waiting until I feel like my skills are proficient enough before I try out my new skill in a casino!


Not a bad idea

I made the mistake of going straight to the tables before learning cover and proper spread, and the casino pegged me as a counter right away. Luckily they were nice to me and didn't evoke any counter-measures until I was playing a positive ev game. Luckily I had multiplied my bankroll on positive variance before than. So your already ahead of me. Good thinking.


Well-Known Member
hi, NB maybe you can let me know how the game of poker goes ,i m interested in it. i really want to learn 1 more thing beside blk jack ,I am a noob too , i played only few months.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to BJinfo! You've got a long road ahead of yourself, so prepare as much as you can :). Take advantage of all the sticky's and FAQ, and read as many books as you can. And then read some more. And practice practice practice!

I'm sure you've heard this before, but it is a prerequisite for a winning strategy.

If you haven't gone through it already, the Blackjack School on this site provides a good introduction.


TheNewbie said:
**NOTE: If this thread in the wrong section of the forum, can an administrator please relocate it or remove it? Thanks!**

Hi everyone! I'm TheNewbie and I've been lurking this forum for a few weeks now, so I finally decided to make an account. Here's a bit about myself:

I chose my username, TheNewbie, because I just started counting about two weeks ago. I've been learning the Hi/Lo counting method. I feel like I have made temendous improvements since when I first started, but there is always so much more to learn. Hopefully my username will soon be obsolete! I am currently not yet old enough to play in most casinos, however I can and do play in 18+ venues. I am slowly transitioning my love of poker to blackjack.

I hope to get to know all of you, and I look forward to talking about and learning more about this fantastic game!
Newbie, BJ alone will not do it any longer. You need a vast repotoire of AP plays across a wide spectrum to reach your goal of taking money from the evil casino on a regular basis.

You should not exclude Poker from that repotoire.

Hmmmm,,,sure you are a new poster here?,,,////////////.....................



Well-Known Member
TheNewbie said:
I am slowly transitioning my love of poker to blackjack.
Welcome NewB! If you are already successful at poker, stick to it unless you are ready for the pains of learning bj and beyond. CC'ing is on life support and I'm not sure it's going to make it. We all have a love hate relationship with blackjack.:laugh:


Well-Known Member
HockeXpert said:
CC'ing is on life support and I'm not sure it's going to make it. We all have a love hate relationship with blackjack.:laugh:
Seems like a lot of doom and gloom for card counting. :laugh:

Didn't they predict the end of card counting in the 60's after beat the dealer was released and all the cainos switched from single deck to multiple decks? :confused:

Didn't they predict the end of card counting when facial recognition and mindplay programs where introduces? :confused: (turns out neither works to well)

Didn't they predict the end of card counting with CSM? :confused: (They are on the decline where I live... costly and customers hate them)

It's true CCing isn't as easy or profitable as it used to be. You can't easily gain a 3% edge. But you can still gain an adavantage with a little effort, work and scouting.

I don't disagree, that it is wise to learn other games and techniques, which I haven't really done much of, but do we have to proclaim the end of card counting? :eek:


Well-Known Member
It's good to learn both. You can play poker when the conditions aren't good for BJ. You can play BJ when the conditions aren't good for poker.

Personally I like BJ more, straight up counting is less mentally taxing than poker, and so is kind of relaxing.

Gamblor said:
It's good to learn both. You can play poker when the conditions aren't good for BJ. You can play BJ when the conditions aren't good for poker.

Personally I like BJ more, straight up counting is less mentally taxing than poker, and so is kind of relaxing.
I find Poker very relaxing and BJ an adrenaline rush thrill ride packed with drama and showmanship.:grin::laugh::cool:



New Member
Thanks for all of the posts, everyone! I think that I will keep playing poker, as it has been quite profitable for me and I don't think that I can stop playing for good, I love it too much!

creeping panther said:
Newbie, BJ alone will not do it any longer. You need a vast repotoire of AP plays across a wide spectrum to reach your goal of taking money from the evil casino on a regular basis.

You should not exclude Poker from that repotoire.

Hmmmm,,,sure you are a new poster here?,,,////////////.....................


Yes, I am quite sure that I'm a new poster. Once I become better at counting I do plan on learning some of the other AP moves that I've read about on this site.