Another good session at 6:5 single deck


Well-Known Member
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
Strategy? I just kept winning after experimentation.

Took me a while to develop the plan of attack and it involves a few camouflage plays to disguise a huge betting spread. The first few "high off the top" give me the opportunity to bet bigger when past the halfway point. Then the dealer is used to me betting high right off the top. Or ramping bets up and down at any given time. That and a few free camo plays like flipping a coin before hitting my stiff hands and I just look like an irrational gambler, rat holing chips on bathroom trips, and putting my red or black chips on the bottom. Always capping with a few greens. The stack never varying greatly in height.

Look, the main thing is that I hate back counting shoe games. It's just not my style. And after taking a small beating at a lousy shoe game last Spring I happened to notice a 6:5 game with no players. So I jumped in and kept ramping my bets ever higher when the count went up. It worked just so long as no one else joined the table. I wasn't using any camouflage at that time either. I succeeded largely because I went unnoticed. An extra fast dealer helped too though i was worried what with all her experience she might notice my play more carefully. But I was in and out quick enough.

It isn't for everybody i realize. takes patience to find the open table an a strong resolve to leave when someone else joins.

Therein lies the main problem: Finding the lone table.
Hmmmm. That is not a good way to come up with a strategy for a difficult game to beat. There is an einstein quote "one must see with the eyes, and think with the mind." just because you "see" winning sessions at your current state, doesn't mean it's going to be in that state forever. That is how ploppies think. They think well, I won 2 out of 3 times at this slot machine, and I only won 1 out 5 at this other slot machine. I was also wearing my lucky pants so I better put those on.

anyway, I said the game is beatable, but it is not easy. as a matter of fact, playing a bad pen 8D is better than this. It is about how efficient you want your play time to be. Of course you think SD is better. I like SD and DD more than shoes too. It is because they are all different animals. you don't play spanish 21 like blackjack, and you don't play shoes like SD. I don't like to wait around for the count to go somewhere, all the while slowing bleeding out my BR through neg. counts. I like the quick jumps up and down in TC on the pitch games. Kind of exciting, like you're really gambling. But that means you have to be ready for those crazy swings along with those crazy TCs. I got SD 205.4/hr on a $10-500 game. can you handle that swing mentally? I also got N0 71,023 for a 6:5 game. Roughly 8 times more than a regular 3:2 game. Do you have that much time available on your hands?


Well-Known Member
The way I see it is that the unpredictable event is how much game time i will get heads up. That and how long it takes for the pit crits to get wise.

At these CA Indian casinos they aren't all that hip to a good camouflage that hides huge bet swings. Especially if my greens account for the hundred and two hundred dollar bets.

I leave the blacks for the three hundred dollar bets which they do announce to the pit. But by that time they'll think I'm just chasing losses. If they even think that far.


Well-Known Member

Gosh, I can't figure out what to do - ignore the all books I have read, the sims I have run, and all the advice from experienced players on this forum - or ignore this thead. What's a woman to do? :confused::laugh:


Well-Known Member
Well.....Good luck to you, you're gonna need it. A lot of it. by the way, your camoflouge plays are really bad too. REALLY BAD. As in, if you do make a profit from this game, you just gave it all up using those expensive plays.


Well-Known Member
Jack_Black said:
Well.....Good luck to you, you're gonna need it. A lot of it. by the way, your camoflouge plays are really bad too. REALLY BAD. As in, if you do make a profit from this game, you just gave it all up using those expensive plays.