Anti-Facial Recognition Infrared Hats


Well-Known Member
So it's pretty obvious Aria are using facial recognition, which isn't a surprise as they're the sharpest of all surveillance teams in Las Vegas, but I confirmed it 100% now. The joke is on them though because they're messing with the wrong person since I never give up at anything. They've already backed me off over 6 times after promising they would trespass me on the next visit. So much for these bluff trespasses that I've talked about on other forums. Note to Aria management and surveillance team, I will keep coming back, i got nothing better to do than to troll you and other casinos who back me off and I take great joy in doing so. I will come back 500 more times until you bluff trespass me. And guess what? I will come back again after that until we go to court. Please put handcuffs on me. But let's not digress any further.

So the point is this, I'm looking at 'blinding' the facial recognition software with an anti-facial recognition hat that has infrared LED lights attached to it. When Aria zoom in on me, they will get blinded by the infrared lights and cause a white halo around my face, thus not getting an image or read on me, meanwhile on the floor I will look completely normal to everyone. My only problem with this technique is the 'attention' this will draw to me and the casino thinking I'm up to something fishy, much worse than card counting, perhaps past posting or theft of some kind, which obviously i wont be and would never do something illegal and destroy my life for a few bucks. Last thing I need is the casino trying to use anything against me to 'legally' trespass me from the premises or worse have me arrested. I believe this would be legal to wear inside a casino and not fall under the 'device' statutes for cheating where you cannot use a 'device' to assist in your play. This is precisely why I'm wearing a 'hat' as opposed to sunglasses with LED lights attached to them. If I were to wear sunglasses they might think I'm marking cards with invisible ink or at least try to make that argument, etc. With a hat, they won't be able to tell me it's a device used to assist me in playing blackjack or at the very least have much less leeway to try and build up an argument that it falls under cheating.

Again, someone please tell me what you think about all of this. My only purpose for wearing this is to not get backed off within 15 minutes before placing a bet after returning from months of not visiting, so it's clear Aria is using facial recog. This also applies to any other casino and not just Aria and what you guys think about using this 'hat' at other places. I only stay at casinos for 30-45 min max, so I just need to be able to get in to backcount a couple of shoes and then get out. It's not like I'm going to be wearing this hat with a white glare around my face for hours sitting at a table. But then again, this is Aria we are talking about. Standing' behind a blackjack table at Aria is the equivalent of spreading 1x25-2x400 at any other joint. They love to catch backcounters. They also are completely droned out of their minds for having a dedicated department for game protection. They think they're so smart, but the owner's wallets is the one taking the hit wasting money on a needless department, all due to casino ignorance and paranoia about the games they offer, so the joke's ultimately on them.
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ZenKinG said:
someone please tell me what you think about all of this.
Bad idea.

I have a much better way to thwart FRS that makes the casino think they got a reliable scan...
... but it won't match up in their DB.

Shoot me a cell text!


Well-Known Member
Broadcasting a bright beacon on your head seems the opposite of what you want.

Just disguise your face, the recognition algorithms are not that great.


Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
Broadcasting a bright beacon on your head seems the opposite of what you want.

Just disguise your face, the recognition algorithms are not that great.
What about just wearing a normal cap to protect your face. Can facial recognition see through normal hats as claimed?


Active Member
They got me too- I realized that they have a camera at the entrance near the Valet that is at almost eye level. I looked at all that IR crap and you are right they are going to zero in on you because it will send their cameras off the deep end. They backed me off after 20 minutes - but I got one better. I went to MGM National Harbor in Maryland, 1 week later and I got backed off there. The facial recognization is better than any other casino I've seen. But I've gone back to National Harbor - wearing a hat and glasses with clear lens and facial hair - and don't look up!!! It worked but I'm not a professional on altering my appearance so I was nervous as hell - I've gone back a few times and I'm getting more comfortable at playing with my new look. It was embarrassing to be escorted out of the casino by 8 security guards like a criminal - I only took them for ~6k over 2 weeks prior to going to Aria - so it isn't the amount of money but the fact that I can beat their game.

MD has some strong casino lobbyists- they changed MD laws to allow casinos to dictate how all the games are played. MD just wants the money from the taxes - they could care about the horrible game odds the casinos are offering.


Well-Known Member
13Counter said:
They got me too- I realized that they have a camera at the entrance near the Valet that is at almost eye level. I looked at all that IR crap and you are right they are going to zero in on you because it will send their cameras off the deep end. They backed me off after 20 minutes - but I got one better. I went to MGM National Harbor in Maryland, 1 week later and I got backed off there. The facial recognization is better than any other casino I've seen. But I've gone back to National Harbor - wearing a hat and glasses with clear lens and facial hair - and don't look up!!! It worked but I'm not a professional on altering my appearance so I was nervous as hell - I've gone back a few times and I'm getting more comfortable at playing with my new look. It was embarrassing to be escorted out of the casino by 8 security guards like a criminal - I only took them for ~6k over 2 weeks prior to going to Aria - so it isn't the amount of money but the fact that I can beat their game.

MD has some strong casino lobbyists- they changed MD laws to allow casinos to dictate how all the games are played. MD just wants the money from the taxes - they could care about the horrible game odds the casinos are offering.
Whats your thoughts on the ability of facial recognition to see through a baseball cap? Do they have that capability as the rumor has it? Is it even a rumor? Because if I can just wear a baseball cap and not look up that should do the trick. Im trying to not wear any form of glasses unless i guess its clear lens such as what you use, because I dont want to look suspicious at the table and have them thinking im marking cards or something or even just standing out is never good.


Well-Known Member
ZenKinG said:
What about just wearing a normal cap to protect your face. Can facial recognition see through normal hats as claimed?
What makes you think all the cameras are looking at you from an angle that would be hidden by the cap? Wouldn't installing hundreds of cameras that all have the same angle of view be pretty stupid on the casinos' part. Don't you know they have many that have other angles?
ZenKinG said:
Whats your thoughts on the ability of facial recognition to see through a baseball cap? Do they have that capability as the rumor has it? Is it even a rumor? Because if I can just wear a baseball cap and not look up that should do the trick. Im trying to not wear any form of glasses unless i guess its clear lens such as what you use, because I dont want to look suspicious at the table and have them thinking im marking cards or something or even just standing out is never good.
I thought you just said you didn't have any problems being allowed to play. More full of shit delusional comments. If you don't have any problems being allowed to play just go in without trying to hide your face. At your low max bet you shouldn't raise much attention, unless you are trying to backcount. The casinos have no tolerance when they feel you don't give them a shot at your money.


Well-Known Member
Dummy said:
What makes you think all the cameras are looking at you from an angle that would be hidden by the cap? Wouldn't installing hundreds of cameras that all have the same angle of view be pretty stupid on the casinos' part. Don't you know they have many that have other angles?

I thought you just said you didn't have any problems being allowed to play. More full of shit delusional comments. If you don't have any problems being allowed to play just go in without trying to hide your face. At your low max bet you shouldn't raise much attention, unless you are trying to backcount. The casinos have no tolerance when they feel you don't give them a shot at your money.
If youre just going to try and create arguments by nitpicking lines of text because youre a degenerate no life forum abuser who acts likes hes big time on an internet forum, but just another AP failure, then please just ignore me, i dont have time to constantly correct you. Just because im having trouble playing at ONE place, doesnt mean I have trouble getting in hours you dumbass. How many places are there in vegas again? Only the most sophisticated surveillance team in vegas could get me and they only got me because I basically outed myself out of anger one day. Keep trying to troll the king, you need to try a bit harder. Im not even worried about Aria, they wont stop me long term. Ill get hours right in their face soon.


Well-Known Member
ZenKinG said:
If youre just going to try and create arguments by nitpicking lines of text because youre a degenerate no life forum abuser who acts likes hes big time on an internet forum, but just another AP failure, then please just ignore me, i dont have time to constantly correct you. Just because im having trouble playing at ONE place, doesnt mean I have trouble getting in hours you dumbass. How many places are there in vegas again? Only the most sophisticated surveillance team in vegas could get me and they only got me because I basically outed myself out of anger one day. Keep trying to troll the king, you need to try a bit harder. Im not even worried about Aria, they wont stop me long term. Ill get hours right in their face soon.
But you moved from your home playing area because you had burned all the games. We al know you didn't move away from the best BJ in the country to find better games. Why can't you just admit reality? Why do you always have to be so delusional? In the past you have ranted and raved endlessly about losing all your places to play and having to move away from the best BJ in the country for a place with crappy games but so many casinos you might last a little longer before burning your bridges. Don't you realize the posters that have been around for a long time all remember that endless series of posts? You really don't put yourself in a good light when you keep reinventing history.