Any good single deck?


Well-Known Member
I will be in LV in August. Are any good SD games still there? Do I have to go downtown? What minimums should I expect?


Well-Known Member
El Cortez-$5 minimums.NO DAS,no surrender is about as good as it gets for SD.I prefer their DD shoe game that permits DAS.
Western also has a SD with the same rules as El Cortez.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
El Cortez-$5 minimums.NO DAS,no surrender is about as good as it gets for SD.I prefer their DD shoe game that permits DAS.
Western also has a SD with the same rules as El Cortez.
i think western's game is $3 too.


Well-Known Member
Four Queens has a good SD game also, but it has always been crowded when I have went there.