Any NLV dives worth playing at?


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about places arguably worse than the Western, like Poker Palace and Opera House. Is there any reason to venture to this part of town? I ask because I've never been there, though I did summon the courage to park at the Speedway casino and found a dealer who paid me $44 for a $22 BJ. Funny thing was a floorlady was watching the game a didn't say a word.
Not worth playing

Hi Brillo,

I have checked those places out and it is not worth playing. No penetration at all and without that you are playing a minor.

You should go to Spike casino. They have a 2 dollar minimum game. It is a joint where new dealers get their education. The table security is nothing else than a record devicer and the pitbosses not really concerned or aware of what is going on. The penetration is about 60 sometimes 70 percent, and the audiance contains the result of what the Fremond experience is doing towards believers .


Be good,



Well-Known Member
I've been to the Spike...

I love it all, except for the smoke. Even the pit boss is smoking right inside that rinky-dink pit.

LV Bear

Spike has no single deck, and I don't think it has a coffee shop you'd eat at

According to CBJN, the table max on double deck is now a "whopping" $100.

I remember a story told by a friend who will remain nameless, unless he happens to read this and wants to identify himself.

In his early red-chip days, he was actually STAYING at the Gold Spike. He received a comp for a snack bar meal; took a look at the snack bar, and decided to pay for a meal elsewhere. On his way out, a bum asked him for money. My friend offered to give the bum the free snack bar coupon. The bum looked at the coupon and handed it back to my friend, saying, "I'm hungry, but not THAT hungry."


New Member
The "friend"

The "friend" was none other than yours truly, and that's exactly what happened.

It used to be that the Spike wasn't a bad place to stay if your action wasn't sufficient to get rooms comped. Rooms went for $22/night, weekends included, and they threw in the aforementioned coupon for a free breakfast at the snack bar. Remember, this was long before you could find discounted rooms with online tools such as Travelaxe.

The rooms were nothing fancy, but clean and well-maintained, much nicer than what the casino would lead you to expect. If you really felt like splurging, you could get a suite for $36/night.

Cushy digs for a lowly red chip bettor. Ah, those were the days! :)

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
I almost stayed there once...

The early days.

In 1996 I had a room reservation at the GS ($22 sounds about right), sight unseen, flying in from Ohio. I arrived there around 11PM, looked at the room (and more importantly, the flimsy doors), and walked out. I took a cab from the Spike over to the the Las Vegas Club and got a room for $45.

I have never eaten at the GS, but from what I understand, the Department of Homeland Security is monitoring its food as a possible weapon of mass destruction.

LV Bear

You took a cab three blocks?

I took a cab from the Spike over to the the Las Vegas Club and got a room for $45.

I'm surprised you could get a cab at the Spike. How much did the three-block cab ride cost? :>)
First SD I ever played in Las Vegas

It was only a $50 table, a bit below my bankroll but I wanted to play it as a warmup because I'm always playing shoe. The biggest scumbag in the place was the dealer. He had a swastika tattooed on his hand, looked like a prison tattoo. I don't know, can you get a gaming license if you've been in prison or a known neo-Nazi?

At the table with me was a young counter wearing a tall hat marked UCSD. Very talented guy. We were talking semi-openly, and I remember our play deviating on an insurance bet, probably because I was counting ace-neutral. Saved me an insurance bet, but other than that my variance was quite bad, walked out down $500 but up a smile. I didn't eat there but I did have a drink. It was mediocre.

stainless steel rat

Well-Known Member

when we were out there in late June for the 4th, my wife wanted to take a cab from the MGM lobby to the parking deck. :) Seems everywhere we walked on the street, people were shoving cards with pictures of naked women into my hands (never into my wife's however. :) )


Well-Known Member
I have played the Spike and the fab Western!

But I did not play there solo.

On my first trip to Vegas as an AP, shortly after my uncle had taught me to count, we went to Vegas together. We were staying at a mid sized strip casino but my uncle decided to take me on what he called his alternative Vegas tour.
I was also my first real single deck outing. We played at 4 or 5 places downtown. Nothing much happened at the Spike except the characters there were quite colorful but apparantly harmless. On the way to the Western I remember my uncle saying that the Western is where the Spike customers land up when they are off their meds. I had a hoot at the Western, being a woman just out of college means I was a little different than most of their customers (I hope) and this pit guy was being so nice to me and for about an hour and a half, I got away with a $5-$50 spread before leaving with about $750 of their money. Some old guy, missing a few teeth at the table, turned to me and said, "sweety two things you should know; do not stay here when it gets dark and definately don't eat here."
The one place with a bad rep that I have returned to solo was the El Cortez. I feel it is better than its rep.


Felix Rue-de-Guerre

Well-Known Member
Rate of play

Another thing about the GS. They usually deal at a frustratingly low Hands-per rate. It seems to be more of a break-in joint then even the W.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
One time in Tunica...

I was at one of the Hotels in Tunica and I forget where I parked my car. I asked the cab to drive me around the lot until we found my car. It took about 15 seconds, and was only about 50 feet away :cool:

learning to count

Well-Known Member
In the old days when you could bring your gun

in your luggage. We used to walk from the Western to the LVC. It did not matter because we looked like the predators on the street anyway. Gotta live on the edge sometimes!


Well-Known Member
I ate at the Western...and lived!

> On the way to the Western I remember my uncle saying that the Western is
> where the Spike customers land up when they are off their meds.

Ha! That's so true! I'll have to remember that one.

> Some old guy, missing a few teeth at the table, turned to me and
> said, "sweety two things you should know; do not stay here when it gets dark
> and definately don't eat here."

I've had a few comped meals there several years ago. They had a darn good pastrami sandwich and the pit boss said the food was usually pretty good. I haven't seen their cafeteria lately. I would think that Barrick had fixed it up, but maybe not. I'm usually in such a hurry to get out of there with my winnings that I don't stay to eat!

Long Live the Western!

In the men's room at the Western

A toilet stall is my office when I'm out playing because I can do whatever I want in there with no cameras. Now I use this money pouch that's worn over the pelvis such that no one could get the money out of there without putting himself in a position where I could knock his head off. I never go down there in view of anyone; the money comes out and goes back in only in a toilet stall.

So I had just cashed out $2K in black at the Western, and I go into the toilet to stow the money, and you know how filthy and crowded that bathroom is. There are a couple of old queens in there. They see me walk into a stall, hear me open my pants, fiddle about down there, then walk out smiling. They just stared at me, eyes and mouth open, and oh my God I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

Still, that part of Downtown is cleaner and less dangerous than Atlantic City.


Active Member
LOL :)

>I have never eaten at the GS, but from what I understand, the Department of Homeland Security is monitoring its food as a possible weapon of mass destruction.

LOL:) This is really funny.