well, if CP isn't the machine he once was it's scary to think how awesome he once was.:yikes:
and it's like the automonk says ambition is a whole nuther story in the 'golden years'.
Canceler i'm soon gonna try and at least learn the rules of poker, lmao, that and this excel blackjack simulator thingamajimmy (splits suck :whip
and gonna go back to college starting winter quarter for a probability course.
learning new stuff isn't so hard at sixty, it's more the ambition thing automonk points out and the stamina thing CP and daddy pointed out. like i try and jog every other day forty five years of smoking or not, but i can no longer make the three mile stretch i used to do, just two miles now and that's with the last mile doing walk jog intervals.
but if i find something interesting, stamina be dammed i'm gonna learn it or do it and just simply wont give up, lol. one thing happens with age and experience is you lose your appetite for kool aid like sophomoric stuff that looks good on paper but doesn't stand up in the real world in a pragmatic sense.
there are differences when it comes to risk between the age groups unless financial positions equalize the equation, but pretty much generally those differences hold sway. like what, the younger guy probably has a long time to lose his money and us older guys might not have quite as long, lol.
and it might just be an illusion but money means different things to different folks, like consider a guy who hardly worked a lick in his life and a guy who busted his a$$ trying to make a buck for thirty years or so, lol.
so maybe utility is a larger factor for the age groups, sorta thing. i know one thing utility is complex as hell from my perspective and how i handle the tables.
like maybe i'll be at the tables and i might end up asking myself, would i pay this much for this? or maybe i'd ask myself damm, i'm getting paid for this, hmm, kewl. what ever, seems for me and i think it's age as i never gambled the first ninety percent of my life, is that the gamble has more of an appeal for me as long as the pay off is large relative to the risk, sort of thing and as long as there is at least a potential advantage.
so what ever, i think i guess age makes me a different sort of AP at the tables than the orthodox stuff calls for.