Any REAL Advantage in 8 decks?

All of the casinos in my playing area use 8 decks. I've been told by several longterm bj player/counters that they don't bother counting the shoe as it yields such a small advantage. As a newbie to counting (but a 30 year "ploppie") whatta you guys think?
Currently I watch the "flow" of cards, and keep an ace count, but I wonder....
I'm not sure if thats a rhetorical question. :)
I don't split 99 against 7,10,A, unless the deck is very rich. (TC=>+3)


ok, i was just testing you on BS, that "watch the flow" talk worried me. 8Ds are about as valuable as any other #decks DEPENDENT on a small matrix of conditions-considerations including rules AND %PENE - with decent rules and decent %pene a 1-10+ spread (WONGING) can be worth your time. zg
Your right V-man. I meant I would only split against the 7. I would not split anything against the 10 or A except A,A. Unless surrender is no option, then I'd split 8,8.
I need to start reviewing my posts before I post.

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: Any REAL Advantage in 8 decks? *LINK*

YES, there can be an advantage. Ever shuffle 8 decks together? You have to shuffle one deck 7 times to make it totally random. The dealer does not have time to shuffle 8 decks 8x7 times. Usually twice is the most you will see, with some fancy hand picks that usually do not make much of a difference. I play 8 deck like I play double deck since deck 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 get mixed together in half deck batches. I will try to cut the bad decks out of play (if I can) and work the 2 deck area that is rich hard and flat play the other 4 that are better than 0.

There can be an 8 deck advantage, just like there can be a home field disadvantage in sports betting. Often the odds on the home team are way out of whack since everyone knows the home team is more likely to win.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Shuffle tracking

So, you are saying that trackable shuffles come up with 8 decks more often than with 6? That has not been my experience. But, I don't shuffle track that often.

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: Shuffle tracking

"So, you are saying that trackable shuffles come up with 8 decks more often than with 6? That has not been my experience. But, I don't shuffle track that often."

I'm not sure if it is easier than tracking 6 decks for the same reason as you mention, ie I don't get to play 6 deck that often. I find that the casinos in Ontario think that because they use 8 they are protected. In the high stakes area they use 6, but shuffle very carefully. High stakes means a higher min/max bet, but the ploppy tables have high enough maximums to track or sequence and get a big enough bet out to make the trip worth while (1 1/2 hours both ways) and the ploppy tables allow for min bets high enough to create ploppy fear which is perfect for "playing other players hands."

I have found in many cases that the cards I track will be within a two deck area, and that is why I stated that I often play 8 deck like 4 2 deck games. All 4 of these decks will have an average true count assigned to them that will be corrected as we count it down as we go thru them, and re adjusted as we get into them. It is harder to describe than to do. A neg batch is a wong-out or cut out of play.