sagefr0g said:
Hey - what's with this mr stuff?!
But I liked the way you put it and that's pretty much what I was trying to say. Also I was not including any card-counting in the above.
But, yes, that's basically it. When I do play only BS, my goal every session is pretty much "not-losing". If variance is naturally positive, I come out ahead by flat-betting. If variance is negative, I try to make up units with "bigger bets" knowing how likely that is to happen assuming it is a new flat-bet. I have a clear idea of how many original flat-bet units, almost always the table min lol, I'm up or down by. When I "bet bigger", I have a clear idea of how many original flat units I've made up by coming out ahead a unit at the bigger bet size. Then I adjust how many original flat-units I'm now down by and take it from there based on stuff like how much longer will I be playing etc.
Unfortunately, as I tried to say, when I do this is just based on even I don't know what lol. For the most part, I don't linger long at higher bet levels content to win one higher-bet unit and then drop back. Like I'm usually pretty ecstatic if I come out ahead one unit betting $20 at a $5 table because I've made up 3 bets. And I know that's very likely to keep me even for the next 9 hours. I try not to get too many original flat-units behind and often am content to cut into the deficit a little at a time.
Conversely, if I play a bunch of bigger flat-bets, never getting ahead by even a half-unit, I adjust my original unit accordingly as to how far down I am. Maybe I drop back for a while hoping for some + variance, maybe I up the bet size again, either then or later. Depends lol. I already know what bankroll I am willing to commit to either breaking-even or lose trying. It's not like I've never lost a session bankroll or anything.
Anyway, I freely admit it's purely "voo-doo" - it has to be since the assumption is that it's a neg EV game. I just think the longevity of being able to bet at different sizes at various times is generally greatly underestimated.
It's no surprise to me how long Cipher lasted spreading 700-1.
So it's not a "system" in the sense something is always done at a certain time. Not programmable in any way. Completely up to an individual's preference and goals. Just a way of achieving a goal with a much higher probability than if one always only flat-bets.
Of course the smaller the original unit, the less HA to begin with, the bigger the bankroll you play with all contribute to liklihood of success for how long you think a session will last.
I already know I've "made up" one average bet unit every 100 hands for 190,000 hands. So that's 1900 avg bet units. Put another way, it's 3-6 times that compared to original bet unit. So, being conservative, should I choose, going forward, to only bet my original flat unit, I'd have to lose 5700 units just to get back to even profit-wise, let alone to a number that would be EV.
And that would most likely be a few million hands from now. And then I'd be even. And then maybe I'd do it again just like I did starting from zero when I first played. Quite possibly another few million hands lol.
Also I would like to point out that, based on a W/L/T point of view, there is absolutely nothing at all unusual of the results if I had flat-bet every hand. Up about 200 units. Slightly positive, as luck would have it, but nothing unusual.
So, if one wants to call, cumulatively, whatever I've done a "negative progression system" of some kind and no doubt add with sure and certain knowledge "I will lose in the long run", I'm not going to disagree with you. I do agree with you. I will point out, however, with near certainty, unfortunately I won't live long enough to prove your point. Which is pretty much my point.
And, if you choose to call it just one way to play, based on little more than the application of known probability distributions, that's OK too.
Guess it's both lol.
Sprinkle in a little "fuzzy counting" and a little "fuzzy betting" and you can't (hardly anyway

go wrong.