Anybody keep ending up next to that one stupid ploppy who says....


Well-Known Member
... "ooh bringing out the green chips now" or "I hope you win now that I see that you started raising your bet", and he usually says it loud enough for the dealer, the pit boss, all other players, and everyone at the next table to hear, like a stupid nitwit.

Don't you just want to punch this clod in the face for being both an inbred, functional retard and screwing you over the only person who has a chance at the table. I know I do.
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I hear you brother. One night, I was playing next to two ploppies (I'm going to call them Spanky and Slapnuts).

Slapnuts was doubling his hard 12 vs. dealer 4 and hitting hard 18 vs. dealer A. Spanky and I were having a decent conversation while I was betting the $10 minimum through about 3 negative shoes (6 decks). I wasn't losing any pesos so I decided to hang until the TC turned around. When it finally did, I parlayed my bet over the next couple of hands to $75. I was drinking a pepsi and Spanky yells to the pitboss, "You better cut this guy off, he was playing a $10 spot and now he's playing (picks up my bet and checks) $75!!"

I was ready to clock Spanky but I played along and told the pit boss, "Yeah, this beverage is affecting my judgement, you better cut me off." She laughed and walked away.


Well-Known Member
Actually,thats a way of getting rid of an unwanted counter poaching your table. I was having a problem with one of the locals downtown. We seemed to end up at the same table way too often.One night,I announced to the table that they should all follow his bets. I said that every time he jumps his bets,he gets at least a 20.Crowd started betting his pattern and he left.Hasn't sat at a table I'm at since.I shouldn't have done it,but he was incredibly annoying to play with. He cheated,as well.While I never saw him actually past post,he bet $2 on every Royal Match bet,but three times I saw him hit the Royal Match,he mysteriously had either $7 or $12 under it.Once a dealer started to call him on it,but didn't.


Well-Known Member
tonight i was counting and when the count got high, i went from playing one hand to two hands. the first time i did that, the dealer ended up making 21 out of 5, and everyone at the table got mad and complained that i could not "enter" or start a new hand mid-shoe. however, that was not against the rules since i'm not a new player. later, i tried to jump from one hand to two hands again, and all three people at the table objected, saying "noo the dealers been running cold." so i appeased them by taking away my bet then the dealer got blackjack.

i find that most people i play with are extremely superstitious and results oriented.


Well-Known Member
I had a guy point out to the dealer that I was not doubling the min when I played two hands, and I about choked him. Loser.
evilrobotmonkey said:
tonight i was counting and when the count got high, i went from playing one hand to two hands. the first time i did that, the dealer ended up making 21 out of 5, and everyone at the table got mad and complained that i could not "enter" or start a new hand mid-shoe. however, that was not against the rules since i'm not a new player. later, i tried to jump from one hand to two hands again, and all three people at the table objected, saying "noo the dealers been running cold." so i appeased them by taking away my bet then the dealer got blackjack.

i find that most people i play with are extremely superstitious and results oriented.
Spreading mid-shoe and sitting out hands on non-positive counts are very powerful techniques, and unfortunately they also draw a lot of abuse. There isn't too much you can do about it except to endure it. Sometimes if I have really aggressive rude ploppies at the table I will agress back, with behavior like loud belching, dirty talk, similar antisocial behavior just to scare them off. Be careful with that yourself, though.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes you get called so bad you leave

You jump your bet, get a 16, then bust and you will not hear a word from that jealous SOB/
You jump your bet, get a blackjack and he can come with with the, "are you counting or something" statement. Said quietly enough, you probably should just ignore it. Tell him winning in this game has everything to do with timingt and nothing else.
But if his words bring you enough attention then you should leave. Not leave immediately because this might be looked as a giveaway, but leave shortly later. If you can find a way to get the pit to think you are leaving because of the poor play of another player, then be the ploppy. Tell them that the guy over there is killing you the way he plays his hands and I just need a break.e There are always tons of ways to disguise leaving the table as a ploppy move.



Well-Known Member
A few weeks ago, a woman sitting next to me (I'm at first base and she's the only other player) told me I was ruining the flow of the cards jumping from 1 to 2 hands. Next hand, I spread to 2 hands, again, and she gets an ace. I tell her if I took her suggestion and played one hand, the dealer would have that ace. She said it didn't matter, I was still messing up the cards.

Moral of the story - No logic will convince an idiot how stupid they really are.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Sometimes if I have really aggressive rude ploppies at the table I will agress back, with behavior like loud belching, dirty talk, similar antisocial behavior just to scare them off.
If they say something rude to you, don't look at them. As the next hand is starting, glance behind you, and then say, "Oh, I'm sorry, were you talking to me?" Time it so that you're acting just as they respond. Then ask them to repeat what they just said again, blaming the action. Whenever they talk to you, find a reason to look away, and then either ask them to repeat or answer with some sort of nonsensical answer as if they had asked you a normal question.

Aggressive Ploppy: "You're messing up the flow of cards!"
You: "No, I think the dealer busted last hand. Wait, what did you say?"

You score double Passive Aggressive Points if you can get them to repeat something three times.


callipygian said:
You should have claimed that you put $100 out there, and that he palmed a green chip when he picked up your chips.

Hahaha, nice. Then I should have asked the pitboss if I can backroom this ploppy to teach him a little table etiquette.