Anyone interested in Training a Team? + Questions


Well-Known Member
LiveBJ said:
Yeah thanks for the half-assed answers...some weren't even good enough to be called half asses.

You could've finished answering or said you didn't feel like going into greater detail instead of almost answering some questions, not answering some and leaving way to much to speculate for the ones you did answer. Then, you decide to post some smart ass "Your Welcome" post as if you did something...please.

If your going to help, help...maybe you would've gotten a thank you.
I read shadrochs answers to you and they were quite in line with what was asked. If you ask general generic questions thats what you're going to get back as answers. Actually some of the answers were more direct then the questions. This is not meant to be a knock on you, but I think reading up a bit on what you want to do, educating yourself a little, and then ask some more direct questions will get you better information.

I will tell you this, you have a long way to go before you can step into a casino with a team and make money. I do play on a team that makes money doing this and there is so much more to it then you can even imagine. That doesn't mean you won't get it, but you aren't going to get it by posting a novel full of questions in 1 post expecting eye opening answers to lead you to the riches of beating blackjack. If you want help there are many that can give some, but don't expect miracles.

A couple of years ago I helped a young guy start a team and he was full of piss and vinegar right off the bat. They did surprisingly well in the beginning, but didn't fully understand what it takes to really do it right. Well, it got ugly for them for awhile and it pretty much broke them. But he was a persistant SOB and after a couple of years the team is doing okay. My point is, it takes a while to do this in the way I believe you're planning to. Relax and try to comprehend one thing at a time and move on. Because you can count a deck down with 2 days practice doesn't mean you're even close to running a successful blackjack team. And if your attitude to those that are willing to help is bullsh*t, thats what you get in return.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
........How do YOU generally act when your at a table?

lol sorry guys i gotta go there...........
don't that just sound like perfect cover for shad?
:joker: :p :cat: :devil: :rolleyes: :laugh:

bj bob

Well-Known Member
LiveBJ said:
I have half the forum crying.:laugh: Am I the only one who finds that funny?

Somehow I'm made out to be the bad guy because some "regular"(I really love that because it's like I'm supposed to bow down before the all mighty regulars on a FORUM) with groupies on this site has a messed up attitude and way of helping people and I said something.
"We, the Supreme Executive Members of the Forum art Thy God. thou shalt not put strange or lessor gods before us".
"Thou shalt not take the handles of Executive Members in vain".
"Keep holy all Executive Members feast days".
"Why dost thou blaspheme us"?


Bojack1 said:
I read shadrochs answers to you and they were quite in line with what was asked. If you ask general generic questions thats what you're going to get back as answers. Actually some of the answers were more direct then the questions. This is not meant to be a knock on you, but I think reading up a bit on what you want to do, educating yourself a little, and then ask some more direct questions will get you better information.

I will tell you this, you have a long way to go before you can step into a casino with a team and make money. I do play on a team that makes money doing this and there is so much more to it then you can even imagine. That doesn't mean you won't get it, but you aren't going to get it by posting a novel full of questions in 1 post expecting eye opening answers to lead you to the riches of beating blackjack. If you want help there are many that can give some, but don't expect miracles.

A couple of years ago I helped a young guy start a team and he was full of piss and vinegar right off the bat. They did surprisingly well in the beginning, but didn't fully understand what it takes to really do it right. Well, it got ugly for them for awhile and it pretty much broke them. But he was a persistant SOB and after a couple of years the team is doing okay. My point is, it takes a while to do this in the way I believe you're planning to. Relax and try to comprehend one thing at a time and move on. Because you can count a deck down with 2 days practice doesn't mean you're even close to running a successful blackjack team. And if your attitude to those that are willing to help is bullsh*t, thats what you get in return.
Just wondering is your primary source of income from playing BJ ? Also wondering how long have you been playing ?


Well-Known Member
InPlay said:
Just wondering is your primary source of income from playing BJ ? Also wondering how long have you been playing ?
While we're at it, let's compare penis size!


I just like to now how many people make BJ their primary source of income ? Nothing wrong with that. If you have fun and make a few $ whats wrong with that. BoJack I suppose is a pro but I just wonder. He is very well spoken but you can be whoever you want to be on a chat board.


Well-Known Member
InPlay said:
I just like to now how many people make BJ their primary source of income ? Nothing wrong with that. If you have fun and make a few $ whats wrong with that. BoJack I suppose is a pro but I just wonder. He is very well spoken but you can be whoever you want to be on a chat board.
I've had the privaledge of meeting Bojack, and frankly - for what it's worth coming from another message board poster - he is exactly what he makes himself out to be. I'm not sure if blackjack is his main income anymore, Bojack's a resourseful individual - but he's still making the kind of money that most of us only fanatsise about from advantage play.



Well-Known Member
Main piece of advice: READ.

A coworker was asking me all kinds of weird questions about card counting (talking about the 21 movie), and I was rattling off all kinds of answers to his random questions. Then he stopped me and asked "How many books have you read about card counting?" To which my response was "Somewhere between 12 and all of them."

But the crazy thing is, as advantage players go, I'm dumb and lazy, pretty much the C- student of the casino. But the learning I've done has really and truly helped. I've found myself in suddenly unfamiliar situations (stuff like getting preferentially shuffled on, or backed off) which I would have been completely unable to deal with otherwise.

Bojack1 said:
A couple of years ago I helped a young guy start a team and he was full of piss and vinegar right off the bat.
Sorry Bojack, I don't think you're allowed to talk like that until you qualify for Social Security. And actually, I don't know how many W-2's you've received over your career, so you might not qualify for Social Security anyway!


Well-Known Member
InPlay said:
I just like to now how many people make BJ their primary source of income ? Nothing wrong with that. If you have fun and make a few $ whats wrong with that. BoJack I suppose is a pro but I just wonder. He is very well spoken but you can be whoever you want to be on a chat board.
You are so right in the fact that on the internet anybody can be whatever they want to be. I am what I claim to be, but the only proof of that is my word and maybe that of a few that have met me here. I have made a good living off of blackjack for years, but now I have other sources of income that just about match it. I don't play as much anymore as I used to, but am still the principal investor and leader of my team which is still very active, lucrative and successful. I will still do about 3 trips a month, but thats nothing compared to what the team does. I'm not sure why it might bother some when I say I do what I do, maybe its because most don't really think its possible. Its too bad, but no matter. I don't believe a lot of what I read here either. I have met dozens of supposed AP's over the years, so far there are exactly 4 who are what they said they are, and that was only this past year. So I guess I would have to surmise with those odds there is a lot of story telling going on here. I can tell you I'm not, but feel free to judge for yourself, I do.


RJT said:
I've had the privaledge of meeting Bojack, and frankly - for what it's worth coming from another message board poster - he is exactly what he makes himself out to be. I'm not sure if blackjack is his main income anymore, Bojack's a resourseful individual - but he's still making the kind of money that most of us only fanatsise about from advantage play.

What in your estimation would be a fanatsise amount of money playing BJ for you ?