Anyone read that maxim article about BJ?


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
As far as rule #8,always assume a dealers undercard is a ten,is it really that far off? Say the dealer is showing a 5.So under any circumstance but everyone busting before him,he's going to draw a third card.As approx. 1/3 of the deck is 10s,it is fairly safe to assume that one of the dealers three cards will be a ten.
I think that message gets garbled into the " assume a dealers undercard is always a ten",but a very high percentage of a dealers three card hands will contain the aforementioned 10.
I dont think the assuming the dealer has a 10 rule is completely worthless either. It helps ploppies play "relatively OK", and I used that idea to help me "understand" BS.


New Member
hot hand advantage dvd -Brett Granstaff

For those of you that have been critiical of the Hot Hand Advantage DVD and CD Rom card counting training game, I just wanted you to know that I found that the DVD is teffific and that many of the quotes and statements in the Maxim article were not made by Brett and the entire article was not proofed by him. If any of you would take the time to review the DVd you would find it contradicts many of the Maxim statements. If you really want to get a sense of the Mechanic's DVD read the current issue of Today's Groom..... It reveals many of the actual Mechanic's statements from the DVd... I guess if those of you who are so critical were really as great as Brett you would be in major national magazines, on national TV and syndicated radio..... I have won consistently using this system and most anyone who dedicates themselves to this system will win ..... ChevelleSS


Well-Known Member
ScottH said:
I dont think the assuming the dealer has a 10 rule is completely worthless either. It helps ploppies play "relatively OK", and I used that idea to help me "understand" BS.
As far as intermediate or advanced BJ players go, the "10 underneath" rule is pretty much garbage. But for beginners learning BS, ScottH has the right idea. At least it keeps novices from getting too far astray.

The one statement in books that really irks me is the ol' "You might as well assume that a 10 is the dealer's hole card since there are more 10-value cards than any other." And yeah, those 10-value cards are only 4/13 of the deck...hate to see beginning readers get mixed up with that logic. Just follow the BS tables and you're good.

Good luck