Anyone Willing to Stake?


Well-Known Member
xengrifter said:
For anyone who missed it, this was Don Johnson's original inquiry for backing and team support.
I’m with splitfacedisaster on this. Are you serious? After I read your post, I went back and reread the OP and thought about Don Johnson and it seemed to add up. Interesting!
wow all these card counters are willing to risk HIS money and can't bring their own?
again card counting doesnt work be lucky to make min wage before broke or banned!
SplitFaceDisaster said:
Seriously?? This is how all that started? I feel like you`re joking, but maybe not...
bjo32 said:
I’m with splitfacedisaster on this. Are you serious? After I read your post, I went back and reread the OP and thought about Don Johnson and it seemed to add up. Interesting!
Yes serious, and true to the best of my knowledge.

Notice that the OP deleted his own message.


Well-Known Member
xengrifter said:
Yes serious, and true to the best of my knowledge.

Notice that the OP deleted his own message.
Thanks for posting. It’s interesting that Don Johnson is now in the Blackjack Hall of Fame, all because he knew how to take advantage of loss rebates. However, it sounds like you have to first lose a lot before casinos will give you these offers.

That gives hope to the average Joe gambler who aspires to be famous. You too can become famous and elected into a Hall of Fame as long as you know how to take advantage of casino comps and get lucky.

LC Larry

Well-Known Member
There was a lot more going on than just loss rebates. I think he used those as a negotiating tool to get the super high limits for him and the "crew" he was with. The real AP'ing were the various "dealer errors" and other scenarios they created.


Well-Known Member
LC Larry said:
There was a lot more going on than just loss rebates. I think he used those as a negotiating tool to get the super high limits for him and the "crew" he was with. The real AP'ing were the various "dealer errors" and other scenarios they created.
That’s the misconception most people (probably even those that voted for him to be in the BJHF) have. All Don’s big wins that made him famous happened when he played solo. Check it out. This is documented in several articles. The article that put him on the map was in The Atlantic magazine called “The Man Who Broke Atlantic City”. It describes his most famous win, which was $5.8 million at the Tropicana, in detail. He played solo for 12 hours. There are several other articles that also describe this win.

It was only latter on when the casinos took away his loss rebates that Don moved onto other advantage plays using his “entourage”. This approach didn’t go so well, and got him barred. The casinos could see pretty quickly what he was up to and kicked him and his entourage out.

The bottom line is what made Don Johnson famous is a couple big wins using loss rebates and getting an article written about himself in a magazine. Without the article we probably wouldn’t know about him. And then the blackjack hall members jumped on Dan’s fame by electing him to their elite club.

Btw, about 6 months after Don’s big win, another big time ploppy whale won about $5 million from the Tropicana. We don’t know who he is since nobody wrote an article about him and he wasn’t voted into the BJ Hall of Fame.