AP Player at the Rivers in Des Plains

You came on to my table i was at and started playing. You could tell from a mile away that you was a AP.
1)Why did you come to my table and ask to be let in. I said no and you still sat in on a hot deck

2) why didn’t you back off when the heat was pressed.

3) i hope you lost everything after i left


Well-Known Member
Must be a member of Colin's cult. The BJA guys don't know what AP etiquette is. They just jump right in and pound away, other APs be damned.

I had one a few months ago jump in on my table and after a little bit had the audacity to ask me not to spread to two hands when the count got good! Fortunately, he was backed off in short order.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
Must be a member of Colin's cult. The BJA guys don't know what AP etiquette is. They just jump right in and pound away, other APs be damned.
What a great idea to teach a whole army of players to jump in and ruin things for everyone. :oops:


Well-Known Member
Hell'nBack said:
I had one schmuck jump in and ask me, "What's the count?" Seriously???
Where I play, AP are friendly. They don't mind I jump in and I don't mind they jump in. Because we play together so many times, based on the bet, I know exactly what TC is.
BJgenius007 said:
Where I play, AP are friendly. They don't mind I jump in and I don't mind they jump in. Because we play together so many times, based on the bet, I know exactly what TC is.
That would be fine. But don't ask to get in and then when told no still get in. It brought so much heat to the table and cost me alot. Etiquette goes a long way.

The G Man

Well-Known Member
I don't see how BJgenious007 could think or write "I don't mind they jump in " ?
Run a couple simulations and you will clearly see that Wongers are hurting your game if you are a counter. It's obvious, you are eating the bad counts and then, share the good ones with outsiders.


Well-Known Member
The G Man said:
I don't see how BJgenious007 could think or write "I don't mind they jump in " ?
Run a couple simulations and you will clearly see that Wongers are hurting your game if you are a counter. It's obvious, you are eating the bad counts and then, share the good ones with outsiders.
Nope. EV is about the same. If such AP takes a rest room break, me, too.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
And non-locals never play there, right?
Locals, most ploppies, see card flow as the most sacred thing. They object people Wong in Wong out. You can jump in one time when the dealer makes the hand or just ask the table even the dealer did not make the last hand. But when an AP wants to Wong in Wong out according to positive negative TC, many locals will complain to pit boss then pit boss will ask AP not to play Blackjack.

The G Man

Well-Known Member
BJgenius007 said:
AP here don't backcount.
Doesn't in any way justify "I don't mind they jump in"....
It should bother any AP that someone jump on his game in positive counts.


New Member
Waiting for the shoe to end is reasonable to expect but if there are very few or just one good blackjack table then it's probably fine to have multiple APs play at the same table. Also, it can be good cover at times

The G Man

Well-Known Member
scorpio said:
Waiting for the shoe to end is reasonable to expect but if there are very few or just one good blackjack table then it's probably fine to have multiple APs play at the same table. Also, it can be good cover at times
LOL, like maths are giving you a "chance" because you are stuck in an area with only one table... Multiple AP at a table is bad, period. A Wonger on a counter's table is even worse.


Active Member
21forme said:
Must be a member of Colin's cult. The BJA guys don't know what AP etiquette is. They just jump right in and pound away, other APs be damned.

I had one a few months ago jump in on my table and after a little bit had the audacity to ask me not to spread to two hands when the count got good! Fortunately, he was backed off in short order.
I had someone betting 1/10th of what i was betting jump into my double deck game and it was pretty obvious what were were doing. I was there first and he should leave just on that alone- but when I'm also counting he's increasing his chances of being caught when normally at his spread he could fly under the radar in case i'm being watched. He spread to 2 hands on a positive count and sat out once on a negative count. I was leaving anyway and on the next slightly positive hand I spread to 5 hands at table minimum (his min bet) just to eat up the cards and got the dirtiest look ever from him.