APPT Blackjack Personal Trainer


Below is an explanation of what I plan on having in the program, along with a screen shot of the introduction screen. More information will be given when it becomes available. As for right now there is no set release date. You can expect at least two weeks until a demo becomes available.
The name I have decided on is APPT Blackjack Personal Trainer. APPT stands for Advantage Player Personal Training. My goal is to release other software/videos on how to become an advantage player at blackjack and other casino games such as Craps, Video Poker, and Roulette.

Nevertheless here are the specifications:

APPT Blackjack Personal Trainer

Screen Shot

Getting Started – Getting Started will explain the purpose of the program along with what to do to get your personal training started.

Tutorials – Tutorials will explain how to use each exercise. There may also be an explanation on how to card count and so forth.

Training School – Training School will take you step by step through Basic Strategy to Play Variation. Grades will be given based on accuracy and time.

Basic Strategy Training

- Flashcards
- Table Reconstruction
- Hit/Stand/Split/Double decision exercise

Counting Training

- Single Deck (complete deck) Timed Countdown
- Single Deck (random cards) Timed Countdown
- Six Deck, Four Player/Hand Counting exercise.

True Count / Bet Conversions Training

- Running Count / Decks Left Division Exercise.
- Betting Spread Exercise.

Play Variations Training

- Flashcard Exercise.
- Table Reconstruction.

Real Game Simulation

- Full Shoe game with multiple players.
- Allows for a player to create a bankroll for a real life run at card counting.

Now here is the coolest part!!
APPT Blackjack Personal Trainer is going to be completely FREE!
No spyware.
No advertisements.

I am currently working on a website to host the software.

So, what do I want from you? Ideas, things you guys have done while training that have helped you personally. And anything that you think can help with the production of this software.


Hi Hiimdoug ;)

At the moment I use Casino Vérité software for manually testing/messing about with various (non-counting) progressions, would you be able to put in a configuration in your software where you can set wagering for a set amount of loss's and wins and when a set amount of bank roll loss incurs switching to another specific set of wagering for a set amount of loss's and wins and when this is recovered revert back to a specific set of wagering all not associated with the count, there is a fair amount of card counting software out there, but software for testing complex progressions* not associated with the count is practically nil and YES! before you start :mad: :rolleyes: posting I know the argument as per here "Card counting can give you an edge. Progressions do not give you an edge" click on Progressions at the top of the page here I'm not expecting to get a 100% winning system or the winn ratio or ROR that is associated with high end card counting systems, just thought I would give you some food for thought ( just not the kind you would probably want :p ) take care and be lucky



When I say complex using some thing like the STAR* progression to test
* You can get it here: