Are there many counters left out there?


Well-Known Member
I ask this because, although I have played many hundreds of hours in Tahoe and AC, less in Vegas, I have never ever seen another player betting like a counter. What is your experience? If there really are so few, the casinos may be wasting their expenditures on counter detection. Moreover, how many of us have access to large enough bankrolls to matter?


Well-Known Member

zoomie said:
I ask this because, although I have played many hundreds of hours in Tahoe and AC, less in Vegas, I have never ever seen another player betting like a counter. What is your experience? If there really are so few, the casinos may be wasting their expenditures on counter detection. Moreover, how many of us have access to large enough bankrolls to matter?
I cant tell by your post whether you know how to count or not but if you dont then i can definitely believe that you've never seen another counter. Unless you know what the count is, it is often pretty hard to tell if someone is counting or not unless of course they are being EXTREMELY obvious. I can say i've come across many counters but it has been several months. I picked off one counter just by the way he screamed "YES" when offered insurance as i was walking by his table. This was an old guy that was consistantly starring at the discard tray, always asking for the burn, and it was pretty obvious that he was struggling to keep up with the pace of the game. Thats the only counter i have ever come across without having a knowledge of the count.


Well-Known Member
Oh, sorry, I should have said that, yes, I feel like a reasonably expert counter with decades of experience using RPC. I know the count at my own table, of course, and when I Wong I know the count as well. If I were to see another counter I would leave/not enter, but I never see one.


i kinda agree i dont remember what you said but unless you go to somewhere more popular most of the people are going to be ploopies (heh a term i picked up on this site) they are just being dumb and are just going for entertainment. They also may be going to socialize i dont know. I know at the local casinos by me there are usually older people or people who come up and just blow away money. I try to count but thats the keyword.Most people just sit at table min the whole night then go broke and leave.


Well-Known Member
I’ve been playing for almost 9 years (mostly Vegas and California) and I’ve only bumped into about 1-2 other counters in a casino. Heck, I don’t even see people playing 100% basic strategy! I know there are quite a few card counters out there because I’ve met them or talked to them outside of the casinos, but I usually don’t see them at work.



Well-Known Member
I once saw a team. They're really hard to spot and I would have been completely oblivious to them if I hadn't been backcounting the table.


Well-Known Member
this joint i used to play. it was the only game in the area worth a darn and no other joints worth while for great distances. well there was at least three of us. none of us really spoke about it. but it went with out saying between us. it was kind of funny at times we'd have a stand off as to who was gonna get to wong out on some crappy count. got to be to obvious if we'd all get up and leave for the potty at the same time. lol. then the one guy was pretty tempermental about it when i'd try and wong in on his good count. lol.


Well-Known Member
I was watching WSP (a rerun) the other day, when one of the 'pros' who was identified as a 'former' BJ player, made the statement about blackjack that anyone can learn how to beat the game, but the trick is to be able to do it and not get caught.

I often wonder-how many people can do it, but won't because of the fear of getting caught?:confused:


Well-Known Member
eps6724 said:
I was watching WSP (a rerun) the other day, when one of the 'pros' who was identified as a 'former' BJ player, made the statement about blackjack that anyone can learn how to beat the game, but the trick is to be able to do it and not get caught.

I often wonder-how many people can do it, but won't because of the fear of getting caught?:confused:
I think more people are not successful at it for a few reasons:

1) They have too high of expectations with too small of a bankroll.
2) Many "gamblers" have poor discipline.
3) Some just don't know how to interact with the casino (e.g. build rapport with the staff in a session/play with cover).
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mjbballar23 said:
I picked off one counter just by the way he screamed "YES" when offered insurance as i was walking by his table. This was an old guy that was consistantly starring at the discard tray, always asking for the burn, and it was pretty obvious that he was struggling to keep up with the pace of the game.
Hey now! That was me! :joker:

I've only seen two that I knew were counters. One was a guy whose bets were going up and down at the same time mine were. The other was a kid who wonged into, and out of, my table at exactly the right time, according to my count.


Well-Known Member
Once I begin to think someone is counting, they throw out a rediculous bet in a negative count and I am proved wrong or do a dumb BS error. I'm pretty sure its not cover because it's AC and no reason for cover on the 10$ tables. And I am on the lookout a lot because I think it's funny if I were to spot someone who counts. The only time I was pretty sure this guy was counting was when I was at Bally's a few weeks ago and we were both back counting, so it seemed...I don't want to give a description of you, but I got your image in the back of my mind. We kinda made eye contact as if saying "It's about to get good". Maybe I was wrong though, and I haven't been in the game long enough to see him around the casino. Just a drunken post for entertainment.


Well-Known Member
There never were many in the first place

zoomie said:
I ask this because, although I have played many hundreds of hours in Tahoe and AC, less in Vegas, I have never ever seen another player betting like a counter. What is your experience? If there really are so few, the casinos may be wasting their expenditures on counter detection. Moreover, how many of us have access to large enough bankrolls to matter?
There have never been many cardcounters. There have been moments (like now perhaps) where cardcounting is brought into the public eye and many people will try, but trying does not make you a counter and there is a long trip to get to be good at it.

Certain games will attract the few counters in an area. The good double deck games in Vegas are watched closely for that reason and jumping from casino to casino in Vegas I will spot other counters. At California Indian casinos I can go a dozen trips between seeing a counter.

The most important thing I think you said is about the casinos wasting their money on counter detection. I think we all would agree. A casino has need to stop a powerful team or a whale that counts but money spent to ID the guy at a fancy strip casino whose big bet is a few hundred, is money down the drain of casino paranoia.

Concerning casino paranoia and exactly who are the greatest advantage players today.

The big money fleeced from casinos today is not taken by members of a MIT team. That money is taken by people who the casino considers it's best of friends. Companies that design products, that even when they do not work, ease the pain of paranoia for casino executives. The real advantage players today are firms like Shufflemaster and Alliance Gaming, makers of very expensive products, sold to casinos that state will increase their bottom line and eliminate those evil cardcounters. Most of these things do not deliver as promised but that is not the point here. The point: Identify the true advantage players.



Well-Known Member
ihate17 said:
The most important thing I think you said is about the casinos wasting their money on counter detection. I think we all would agree. A casino has need to stop a powerful team or a whale that counts but money spent to ID the guy at a fancy strip casino whose big bet is a few hundred, is money down the drain of casino paranoia.

Concerning casino paranoia and exactly who are the greatest advantage players today.

The big money fleeced from casinos today is not taken by members of a MIT team. That money is taken by people who the casino considers it's best of friends. Companies that design products, that even when they do not work, ease the pain of paranoia for casino executives. The real advantage players today are firms like Shufflemaster and Alliance Gaming, makers of very expensive products, sold to casinos that state will increase their bottom line and eliminate those evil cardcounters. Most of these things do not deliver as promised but that is not the point here. The point: Identify the true advantage players.

I think it's more of a pride or ego factor. The casinos probably know they are losing out on money, but don't really care. I mean, if most casinos classify counting and cheating on the same level, then they will be willing to spend the extra dollar to make sure that no one who has an edge on them will get their money. I wouldn't be surprised if they would rather give away a jackpot slot machine to a random person than a few hundred to an AP.
Counter Detection?

zoomie said:
I ask this because, although I have played many hundreds of hours in Tahoe and AC, less in Vegas, I have never ever seen another player betting like a counter. What is your experience? If there really are so few, the casinos may be wasting their expenditures on counter detection. Moreover, how many of us have access to large enough bankrolls to matter?
What do you mean "counter detection"?


Well-Known Member
snooprobbierob said:
What do you mean "counter detection"?
Hiring and/or training people to spot card counters and buying software to detect smart players.
