Argosy in KC


Well-Known Member
I had a friend at ameristar (Kansas City) tell me that argosy is switching to hand shuffling from ASMs. Can anyone confirm this? If so they'd be the only casino in town that does (maybe start a trend?). I rarely go there because they have horrible penetration on their DD games and it's the furthest drive. The only redeeming fact is they have lucky ladies tables on 6 deck and DD. I'm not sure about the pen on 6D but if they go to hand shuffles I'd love to try shuffle tracking or ace sequencing. I might even try queen of hearts sequencing (see one of my previous thread for the EV on that).

So if anyone knows give me the heads up or if not I'll just check it out and post my findings.



Well-Known Member
Just checked it out

I checked out Arogsy last night. They do have some hand shuffled 6D games (because of broken shuffle machines). The shuffle they use wont allow for key carding, but shuffle tracking is possible. The pentration is still god awful on all of their BJ games.
