Armed Casino Security


Well-Known Member
I haven't traveled much, but I noticed casino security people in Vegas were packing sidearms while security people at a New York Indian casino I visited were not. I'm wondering if this is typical of most places such as Atlantic City, while Indian Gaming is left to defend their cash with hand-to-hand combat and maybe a can of mace?


Well-Known Member
Man, I gotta pay more attention to that, I don't like the idea of those guys with guns.

The armored car drivers, sure, but just the regular floor goons? Geeze.
ThunderWalk said:
I haven't traveled much, but I noticed casino security people in Vegas were packing sidearms while security people at a New York Indian casino I visited were not. I'm wondering if this is typical of most places such as Atlantic City, while Indian Gaming is left to defend their cash with hand-to-hand combat and maybe a can of mace?
No there are plainclothes policemen at those casinos, probably state troopers. There is no open-carry for civilians in Northeastern states, with few exceptions (armored truck drivers etc.) so you won't see a civilian security guard with a weapon. Sometimes the state compact requires the casinos to have state police on the premises for law enforcement.

There are some that may carry concealed but that tends to be a big liability problem; most security outfits forbid weapons of any kind for their guards. Armed guards are in a totally different category than the ordinary kind, with much more training, much higher pay, and of course a lot of insurance.


Well-Known Member
Here in Washington State

Any dumbass and I mean any dumbass can get a job at a guard agency and carry a firearm on job sites that are paying for armed security. All that is required is a quick "course" and shooting about 6 rounds at a target-whether you hit the target or not isn't important.Whether the security guards brain is functioning or not also is not important.