Arnold Snyder — REDUX < ? >


Well-Known Member
Real dude bj?

It would be interesting to see if he included any of the cookbook's details in this issue. Too bad about the site though I use to go to it about the time the you know and you know got into it with you know who. If he does include any of the recipes that were hard to get it could cause some damage in my oppinion. Heck I'm a sucker I may buy it for poisterity sake.


Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
That title was already taken.


:laugh: Is that book real? Something about that book just screams authoritative! Might just buy that book with the intention of reading it as a great piece of comedy.


Lonesome Gambler said:
You guys realize that "radical" has more connotations than just the Ninja Turtles one, right?
My dictionary defines radical as -
- basic and fundamental.
- root or core. zg


Coyote said:
Do you guys think that this is a book that is worth while?
It promises to be a far better investment than ExhibitCAA, and
one more example of why it was a bad idea to publish ExCAA. zg

Ps - Or if its not, than its just another bullsh*t pulp like May's 'Get The Edge at BJ'


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
It promises to be a far better investment than ExhibitCAA, and
one more example of why it was a bad idea to publish ExCAA. zg

Ps - Or if its not, than its just another bullsh*t pulp like May's 'Get The Edge at BJ'
Well i didn't notice anything suggesting coverage of any game other than blackjack and frankly HC info for blackjack's been around for a long time. Somehow i doubt it'll be nearly as worthwhile as ExCAA.

Other than that, i think it would be relevant to raise at this juncture than Snyder seems to be trying to get another cash influx as he hasn't had a book on AP released in several years unless you want to consider getting the cheapest tits in vegas AP. I might be wrong, but i really suspect that this book will sell on his name rather than the content.

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Well-Known Member
radical |ˈradikəl| adjective
1. (esp. of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough : a radical overhaul of the existing regulatory framework.
• forming an inherent or fundamental part of the nature of someone or something : the assumption of radical differences between the mental attributes of literate and nonliterate peoples.
• (of surgery or medical treatment) thorough and intended to be completely curative.
• characterized by departure from tradition; innovative or progressive : a radical approach to electoral reform.
2. advocating thorough or complete political or social reform; representing or supporting an extreme section of a political party : a radical American activist.
• (of a measure or policy) following or based on such principles.
3. of or relating to the root of something, in particular
• Mathematics of the root of a number or quantity.
• denoting or relating to the roots of a word.
• denoting the semantic or functional class of a Chinese character.
• Music belonging to the root of a chord.
• Botany of, or springing direct from, the root or stem base of a plant.
4. [usu. as exclam. ] informal very good; excellent : Okay, then. Seven o'clock.

Radical! noun

1. A person who advocates thorough or complete political or social reform; a member of a political party or part of a party pursuing such aims.
2. Chemistry a group of atoms behaving as a unit in a number of compounds. See also free radical . [ORIGIN: early 19th cent.: from French.]
3. The root or base form of a word.
• any of the basic set of 214 Chinese characters constituting semantically or functionally significant elements in the composition of other characters and used as a means of classifying characters in dictionaries.
4. Mathematics a quantity forming or expressed as the root of another.
• a radical sign.


Well-Known Member
Coyote said:
Ok fellas, what would be your top three books on blackjack or AP?
That would be too short a list. You're never going to reach a high level of advantage play unless you read more than that. Preferably supplemented with unpublished material.


Well-Known Member
WRZ is fully correct; but the crucial three books for a rookie are as follows:

  • The Theory of Blackjack, 6th ed.
  • Blackjack Attack, 3rd ed.
  • Blackbelt in Blackjack



Well-Known Member
I fully agree with you WRX. I am definitely a sponge!

@ Flash, Thanks for your list. If there are more that you suggest feel free to let me know! I appreciate it.



Well-Known Member
Gentlemen, it's misleading to say that the title meant "radical" as in "breakthrough, or fundamental change" since these techniques are actually 17 years old!!!!!

and don't even get me started claiming that the title meant:

• (of a measure or policy) following or based on such principles Blackjack
• denoting or relating to the roots of a word Blackjack
• denoting the semantic or functional class of a Chinese character Blackjack
• Music belonging to the root of a chord Blackjack


btw, it could've been used for it's double entendre merits.