Well-Known Member
Here is a link that I think is a pretty good description of how it all started.shadroch said:Except that the war was fought because the confederates attempt to seceed was not legitimate. I'm amazed how many people claim much of what todays Federal government is doing is unconstitutional because it isn't mentioned in our constitution, but insist the South had the right to seceed even though it is no where to be found in the same document.
Even more amazingly, the grandchildren of these rebels and oath breakers now try to portray themselves as representing the "True America', whatever that is supposed to mean..
It never ceases to amaze me how little most of the country understands the South. I have a cousin that was born and raised in NYC. We sit around and laugh at some of the things her friends say when she says she's going to visit.
(no animosity here... the Deep South IS a complex culture riddled with irony.)
A few myths busted here:
1. We really don't ever think about the War between the States except in passing jokes.
2. We don't have too many old buildings here... about 90% burned some time ago.
3. Very few own a Confederate Flag. (Though I do have a Nazi Flag... My Uncle said to keep it because the young fellas that had it didn't need it anymore.)
3. We don't have a funny accent --- you do.
4. We are less racist than most of the rest of the country.
5. WE love and will die sacrificially for Freedom.